
Easier instant cereal hack: mix and match different boxes of cereal for a custom taste. Favorite combo: apple cinnamon Cherrios (for sweet cinnamon taste) + ancient grain flakes (crunchy base) + Bran Buds (psyllium fiber) + raisins (chewiness). Custom awesomeness in just a couple of minutes.

@andrew11: Never heard of 24" on center for wood or metal stud walls. All walls (in North America at least) are 16" OC minimum code. Non-load bearing walls can be minimum 2x3 studs 16" OC with single top plate, where-as load bearing need at least 2 x 4 studs 16" OC with double top-plate. Earthquake and hurricane

Youth, beauty, intelligence, geek cred, Japanese, maid costume... Can any Giz reader resist such a woman?

I'm sitting here reading this while my 2 year old daughter sleeps beside me. Way to ruin my evening! I don't come to ca.gizmodo to read about all the horrible things in the world. I come here to escape from them. Stick to cool gadgets and pretty photos please.

Oooh, good one! I hadn't heard of that before. So true!

@grazzarelli: Sarcasm? Troll? Crazy bible thumping American? No offense, but it's hard to tell sometimes.

@Weakskills: I also returned... via ca.gizmodo.com Cut off that last link to the past, and you won't see me back...

Maybe it's because I live in the sticks, but Layar has never once displayed anything useful for me, or really anything at all that actually made sense. It just sort of sat there doing nothing no matter what I aimed it at. It's been my most useless app download for months, and I finally got around to deleting it.

@RuBBa_cHiKiN: North Gizmodo is Best Gizmodo: Canada Post is the *only* service I will use, for exactly the reason you stated. Miss the delivery? Just drive / walk down the street a few blocks after work. Every other courier is 1/2 h drive across town, with miserable desk staff (I'm looking at you, bitch from

I teach a few university classes. As long as a student is not disturbing others, I don't care whether they listen to me or not. If they don't listen, they don't pass the test. Simple as that. What I don't allow are people disturbing others. I quickly offer talkers the option of leaving. That usually shuts up the

The Boris picture on the right was not used as a Gor cover. It was used for Jane Gaskell's "King's Daughter", a prelude of sorts for her awesomely original Atlan Saga.

@AnnexOne: Aren't those platters made of an oxide of one metal or another? Rust by definition?

@RaindropBebop: Which is why you always back up your data to one of those new massive portable drives (and keep a copy offsite).

@Pook365: Spoken like someone who doesn't have kids. Kids are fast, nimble, and curious. Parents are stressed, sleep deprived, and busy. I've got three of them, so I know how hard it is to keep track of them every minute 24/7. So cut the woman some slack. It might be your kid that wanders one day...

@Pook365: Spoken like someone who doesn't have kids. Kids are fast, nimble, and curious. Parents are stressed, sleep deprived, and busy. I've got three of them, so I know how hard it is to keep track of them every minute 24/7. So cut the woman some slack. It might be your kid that wanders one day...

I needs me my clickwheel when I'm listening to music. I don't want fish a smartphone out of my pocket and play with a touchscreen when I want to skip tracks.

@Ursus Maritimus: So you waltz outside and shoot an undercover cop? Good luck with that.

@cadenlaguna: Hard for a trojan to hide in an *.avi or *.mkv file. Just don't do anything stupid such downloading an executable passing itself off as a video file, and you'll be just fine. I agree with the original poster: in many cases, pirated videos are value-added in that the don't have ads or DRM attached.

@PACKFAN4LIFE: That's exactly the point. These countries house a lot of radicals that would love to overthrow their respective oppressive regimes. These governments have the most to lose, and are therefore the most concerned with spying on their own citizens.