
First thing I did on my MBP is install Parallels/Win7. OSX is fine for basic web/productivity, but when it comes to file manipulation, media handling, or networking OSX is simply horrible.

Turn off personal hotspot and bluetooth when not in use, reduce fetch to 1 hour, and you'll be amazed at how little battery power the iPhone uses.

Actually no. Some of us have mission critical jobs, where failure means bad things happen. Doctors, pilots, soldiers etc. You can pay a surgeon twice as much money, but I can guarantee he will still feel the stress if his patient starts to nosedive during surgery.

I'm not sure you really intended to include your mom, f*cking, and Cox in the same sentence, but it put a smile on my face (and no doubt your mom's face as well).

Superdrive... Use it when you need optical (once very six months for me), and put it in a drawer the other 99% of the time. Give me the weight and thickness savings any day.

Gave my iPhone 3G to my 7 yr old son for use with games when I upgraded to the iPhone4. Even he complains at how slow it is. iOS4 killed the 3G's performance.

Supplement: You pay the bills, while saving what money you can for the future. You get a life, have a family, and realize that work is just a means of paying for what you love. Don't let work define who you are as a person, and learn to leave the negativity of your job behind when you come home. You can always

That's actually a very profound question, and I wish I knew the answer.

News flash my lovely American friends: you haven't been the "land of the free" for a long time now. Draconian copyright laws, the Patriot Act, black site prisons around the world, a puritanical cultural bias, corporate ownership of your political system, unprecedented indebtedness to foreign powers (eg. China, Saudi

Huh? Laser printers are everywhere in my life, both at home and work. Inkjet is for suckers unless you're into large format photo printing.

Nuclear command and control systems are not accessible from the internet.

That was stupid on so many levels.

I agree with you, but one niggle: yellow means stop or turn if it's safe to do so, not caution. This is a common misconception. A flashing yellow means caution.

Music: free full length preview of all songs so I don't pay for something I don't like. flac downloads, not crappy mp3's. No DRM. None. Ever. $0.15 a track, not a $1 / track.

One huge problem: "RTI products are sold through a network of trained dealers and system integrators. RTI does not sell directly to the public." It's a total cash grab for system installers. Crestron and URC pull the same crap. They look great, but they won't let hobbyists touch their precious programming

Or you can just buy Navigon + Radar Info addon from the iPhone app store. Might save you a bit of time. Still, looks like a fun project.

Canucks mostly use Environment Canada website. Accurate forecasts, radar, stats, satellite images, maritime and aviation, air quality, you name it. Completely ad-free.

Whenever you hear a child say "I hate you", what they really mean is "I hate this". Never take those three potentially devastating little words literally. I can't count the number of times I've heard the phrase "I hate you" followed by "I love you" an hour later after they've calmed down.

You don't cave, but you also don't confront in the face of a tantrum. That just sets up a power struggle, which you will ultimately win but at significant cost. You give warning, you allow a reasonable "extension" to the time limit if appropriate so the child has a sense of control over his life, and then the fun

"Lasers for black and white printing, ink jets for pictures". Wrong! Lasers for B&W AND color. Color laser printers are cheap as dirt now, and perfect for business graphics and kids projects. Toner never dries out, never bleeds, is more forgiving of paper quality, prints faster, and comes out of the machine dry.