Cursed Frogurt

A lot of reviewers and games media people have gotten flack for supposedly making mountains out of molehills for the messages and details in this game, and I can see where they’re coming from, thinking the game isn’t being treated fairly, but the important thing is context - the creator’s jabs at progressives and his

In case you aren’t joking, D.Va DID get a new ability where she sends a barrage of micro missiles, similar to rocket barrage but obviously MUCH weaker. She can use them while rocketing and shooting her shotguns at the same time so it’s a great way to apply a lot of damage to a dive-able squishy target, such as Zen.

1. Overwatch is quite simple to understand AND very complex, like most games/sports. 6v6, Shoot the players until their health is 0, push the payload / stop the payload, attack the point / defend the point. It takes way less than 15 mins to explain the game and way MORE than 15 mins to fully appreciate the game. When

Speaking of Noise Cancelling Headphones, I finally bit the bullet and got myself some $300 Bose QC35s. Finally, my loud, wall-piercing officemates that shout to each other are severely muffled. I’m never taking these things off. If you’re like me and hate distractions, treat yourself and get some ANC headphones.

Speaking of Noise Cancelling Headphones, I finally bit the bullet and got myself some $300 Bose QC35s. Finally, my

I set up sales tax for projects my cabling/AV/Security company does for all kinds of customers. There’s a company called VADATA that is by FAR our biggest customer and they’re tax exempt. Turns out, VADATA is just Amazon’s Data Centers. That’s right, somehow Amazon finds a way of not paying state taxes. All material

I’ve been waiting for this for a year too.

I’ve been waiting for this for a year too.

For real? So you do not own gears and recore digitally, right? You only have access to them via the gamepass? And you can play them on your PC?
You’d think Microsoft would mention that in their FAQ because that’s a big deal.

Cause I’ve done the thing with owning both games digitally on xbox and windows 10 but I figure

Don’t hesitant, get yourself that LG OLED. I paid $2500 for the 2016 model a year ago and I cannot recommend it enough, and the 2017 model is even better with even lower input delay, a higher maximum brightness, and 120FPS at 1080p if you run your PC to it.

Don’t hesitant, get yourself that LG OLED. I paid $2500 for the 2016 model a year ago and I cannot recommend it

5 is a great one. I was taught years ago a similar trick to stop feeling almost any negative way (annoyed, tired, angry, bored, etc.). The easiest one is tired. If you feel tired, take a moment and tell yourself ALL the reasons for you to be tired.
-it’s been a long day
-you didn’t get good sleep last night

These TVs really are as good as everyone says they are. Do NOT get just any 4K HDR TV because “it’s time” and they’re on sale. Save up and get one of these, you will thank yourself.

These TVs really are as good as everyone says they are. Do NOT get just any 4K HDR TV because “it’s time” and

I have that shaver. Even though the thing does a pretty good job shaving/trimming my body, after five years it wouldn’t recharge. I don’t regret it, got five years out of it, but just a heads up in case you’re expecting it to last a really long time.

I have that shaver. Even though the thing does a pretty good job shaving/trimming my body, after five years it

If you get a Vive, you’re DEFINITELY going to want that Deluxe Audio Strap, it’s a huge improvement in comfort and convenience, so that bundle is a solid deal.

If you get a Vive, you’re DEFINITELY going to want that Deluxe Audio Strap, it’s a huge improvement in comfort and

As someone that has almost 100 hours on Pharah, when that happens I’m pissed but type in my head “ns” or “wp”

Personally, my dopamine in OW is multi-headshotting with Zen’s right click on a distant target. tink-tink-tink-tink :-))))))))))))))))

“There’s no way getting around that Dragon Ball Z is an absurd show.”
Yeah, I used to love DBZ when I was a young teen but stopped watching or caring once it got to the Cell saga. I literally and figuratively grew up and I started to notice “the formula” and nothing mattered and the fights were boring and... yeah.

The trailer made me every excited to immediately hop into this game, but I quickly looked up some gameplay and was immediately turned off by the frequent and long instances of “story”. In a game like this, I don’t want a narrative, just give me some visual storytelling and move on.

Holy shit, I got the 2016 model early this year for the same price, and this model is even better, especially for gamers since last I checked it lowered the input delay from 28ms to 21ms in game mode.

And yes, the visuals really are as gorgeous as everyone says. It makes all other screens look like shit.

Holy shit, I got the 2016 model early this year for the same price, and this model is even better, especially for

I’ve had the 2016 model for close to a year now and never noticed any burn-in at all.

I’ve had the 2016 model for close to a year now and never noticed any burn-in at all.

I would be tempted if it wasn’t a 60hz monitor.

I would be tempted if it wasn’t a 60hz monitor.

Even as someone that liked The Kinect for the most part, remember when this thing was a “necessary” part of the Xbox One? Yeah, never forget that bullshit.
Tracking your body in Xbox Fitness, that Xbox 360 dodgeball game, quickly navigating the menus with your hand, saying “Xbox Record That” or “Xbox Volume Up” are

Maybe it’s just because I’m only 5'4", but a footrest is so nice to have at the desk that it’s hard to go back. I went with the more premium model that has soft gel. Even feels kinda warm to the touch.

Maybe it’s just because I’m only 5'4", but a footrest is so nice to have at the desk that it’s hard to go back. I