The machine translation didn’t bother me until the very end. That is horrifying.
The machine translation didn’t bother me until the very end. That is horrifying.
There already is an easy mode. Also, to be fair, I hear the final boss has a brutally cheap phase, so I’m all for updates on altering stuff like that.
I really hope the difficulty isn’t dissuading many people from playing this game. It’s like Hyper Light Drifter last year, everyone assumed it was super hard just because the term “Dark Souls” came up a lot, which is ridiculous. Look, I’m no pro, I’m a pretty average player when it comes to raw skill, but Cuphead is…
The star card system is scary because they’re not just new options but pure upgrades. I’m talking “your weapons now do more damage” kinds of upgrades. I was okay with most of the progression system in games like Call of Duty because, more often than not, the best weapons in the game are unlocked right away, and you…
The collective internet hates people like me. I don’t care for Miyazaki anime OR Joss Whedon. I straight up don’t get it. However, Cowboy Bebop, which is sort of a combination of the two, I finally watched this year, and it was pretty amazing. What’s so strange is that there’s so little lore to build up to the climax… To be fair, our democrats have less balls to do something about this than Australia’s conservatives.
R&M fans remind me of South Park fans. They don’t do the show justice. If I didn’t already know how great the show is, I would be SO turned off by the fucking terrible memes that plague social media. Saying Wubbalubbadubdub and PICKLE RICK is like Deadpool cosplay levels of non-humor. It’s that ironic satire where the…
Oh shit, everyone get Decay on 360 before it’s too late. It’s a superb point&click horror game that honestly is one of the scariest games ever. Get episodes 1 and 2 in particular.
I still use my monitor for most gaming due to lower latency and G-Sync. My TV has 28ms delay but if you add V-Sync to get rid of screen tearing that occasionally makes the delay unbearable. So probably don’t plan on playing exclusively on your TV.
Not that I can tell. I run 4K 60 FPS from my PC to my TV. Sorry if this was sarcastic. Expensive HDMI cables are a rip-off. Mine was like $12 I think.
OK I finally saw some footage. Looks like you can rewind up to a minute backwards from a save state. Dang, I really wish it was an at will rewind, but still this’ll be useful because let’s say you haven’t done a save state in a while, and you make a major mistake, you can then save state right away and reverse time to…
I still need clarification on exactly how the rewind feature works. Can you rewind up to a minute ago at will or only a minute prior to your last save state? GameXplain said the rewind is based on your save states but then didn’t explain it in detail.
Luckily, I have a 50ft HDMI cable running from my TV to my PC, so I…
I paid $2,500 for the 65" 2016 model and the 2017 version has even lower response time (21ms last I checked, versus the 28ms of mine). Should’ve waited. As someone that was excited for the 4K and HDR visual goodness, trust me, OLED is where it’s at. Stuff that isn’t even 4K and HDR looks incredible on it.
I paid $2,500 for the 65" 2016 model and the 2017 version has even lower response time (21ms last I checked, versus…
I’ve used that eBay seller before too and no complaints. They sent me a PS4Pro for $370, tax free, and it arrived well before the estimated arrival date.
I’ve used that eBay seller before too and no complaints. They sent me a PS4Pro for $370, tax free, and it arrived…
For a series that is notorious for having last-gen graphics due to being a AA game and having to fit so many giant enemies on screen, the trailer for this game looked fucking gorgeous. Like, it looks TOO good.
The white christmas episode might be the most traumatizing fictional thing I’ve seen. I watched that alone, on my holiday vacation, and I just wanted human contact so much after that.
He used the n-word as an insult on a live stream, not in an edited video.
“At worst, you’re merely repeating the incidental homophobia that worked itself into gaming circles, where effeminacy/gayness was seen as a weakness and an insult.”
Yeah it’s strange, retarded left my lexicon just naturally, no effort needed. Maybe it’s because no one else says it while I still hear fag frequently enough for me to absorb it in my mind. That’s my only guess, but it still doesn’t make sense because I hear the n-bomb with a hard r or soft a in Overwatch probably…
The weird thing is, while I agree with the sentiment that the word only “slipped out” if he normally uses it rather casually in his personal life, I’m being hypocritical because, while other offensive words, such as “retarded”, I used to say occasionally have completely left my vernacular for over a decade, when I get…