Well before Videogame dunkey, Knack was something to ironically feel is very, VERY important. Like, I’mma cry over this levels of important.
Well before Videogame dunkey, Knack was something to ironically feel is very, VERY important. Like, I’mma cry over this levels of important.
Exactly. There’s a reason devs shouldn’t always listen to fan suggestions - if it’s an idea you had as a player, I almost guarantee that the devs thought of it too already and there’s a reason it doesn’t exist. However, this is a terrible reason, and terrible analogy.
So I’m not the only person that is distracted by those circles? Everyone else that tries my Vive doesn’t know what I’m talking about but it’s SO noticeable to me.
I have both as well and while there are good and bad things about each, I recommend people get the Rift. Even though I have the space for room scale stuff, it’s actually pretty disappointing when you can only walk two steps in any direction. The limitation of the Rift means the games are often tighter and more…
Just a few years ago, I’d think this is silly pandering, but now that I’m more mature, I’m totally fine with this. Afterall, “a 50/50 co-ed environment encourages people to behave themselves. A diverse room does encourage creative ideas, but it also discourages dumb ideas.”
Yajirobe god-tier character development when he cut Vegeta’s tail.
So, I’m not into fighting games very much, or esports, and while I used to love DBZ I haven’t taken it seriously in 15 years, but this game is insanely entertaining to watch. Thanks for the highlights.
When I hear someone being an asshole, I give them one chance to calm down and turn it around, because believe it or not that DOES happen sometimes. I’ve had people in spawn being obnoxious and lewd but suddenly when the game actually begins, they’re quiet and only share useful information. The thing is, as much as I…
I’ve been going to Wildwood for 30 plus years. These shirts get more Basic by the year and I don’t think you interviewed a single human being. As someone that loved Space Jam when I was 13, I lost it when I saw Tune Squad shirts last year. Fucking how?
I feel like, just like always, competitive is a crap-shoot. You have like a 50% chance of someone on your team being a thrower or being needlessly hostile or obnoxious. I feel that’s how it’s always been, BUT, those instances of toxicity have been extreme this season, like someone literally sitting in spawn and…
I hear you, I got a 144hz IPS with Gsync monitor, and I game on there more than the OLED, but now that I’ve seen gaming on an OLED tech I’m looking forward to a gaming monitor with OLED someday. My 65" OLED may look amazing, but I’ll take an inferior looking monitor to game on because of that glorious G Sync. I…
I’m a self-described graphics whore, I got a 4K TV in 2015 and even I will admit that the discernible difference between 1080p and 4K is minor. I recently upgraded to those heavily praised LG OLED TVs and THAT is what you want. 4K and HDR stuff often looks disgustingly gorgeous (Planet Earth II, Horizon Zero Dawn),…
Oculus is having a pretty substantial Summer Sale on its games.
Oculus is having a pretty substantial Summer Sale on its games.
The thing is, both AM2R and this game (at least from the looks of it, I have played the former, not the latter) are so different from the original game AND each other, that they both have every right to exist and to be played. To me, they’re remakes in name only, they’re practically brand new Metroid games.
Free-aiming? Crap, that might mean I have to get a New 3DS or 2DS just for that second nub.
If they mention system-link play I imagine that means they’re not going to reverse engineer online multiplayer. I’d continue to pay for Xbox Live Gold if my friend and I could still play Chaos Theory Spies vs. Mercs on Xbox OG, and Crimson Skies has great multiplayer, I sure do miss it.
As a Zarya main, I LOVE this mode. I’m basically always at 100 charge since I can bubble every 3 seconds. But while Ana’s dart is terrifying (so many mind games in duels with her now), Mei can contest indefinitely. Once players learned that, the mode became no fun.
Not sure if the curved and 3D TV is for you, but I can confirm that those LG OLEG TVs really are as fantastic as they sound. I got the 65" B6 model for $2,500 and it was worth it. 4K and HDR is nice for sure but dear god, OLED makes a big difference; one of those things you don’t realize until you experience it, now…
Not sure if the curved and 3D TV is for you, but I can confirm that those LG OLEG TVs really are as fantastic as…
I have an extra pair of Joycons. One thing nice about recent nintendo accessories is that they’re very good at holding a charge on standby. I checked my DSiXL which hadn’t been charged in like two years and it had like 80% battery life.
So instead of getting this thing, I just occasionally switch out the joycons…
I have an extra pair of Joycons. One thing nice about recent nintendo accessories is that they’re very good at…