Cursed Frogurt

I assume you’ve tried this response already but...

It’s fucking hilarious and the animation is legitimately impressive. As a former lover of DBZ that now thinks it’s embarrassing, OPM was great, but even unironic lovers of DBZ love OPM.

Whether you love or hate most anime, you should watch OPM.

The best part is how it ended. He said that it must be weird for fans of his to hear him talking about this stuff and that he’s going back to comedy. He acknowledged that his parents are immigrants.

I honestly don’t think he’s inherently racist - his viewpoints are based on inaccurate information.

Did you hear what was said on Easy Allies? Their mantra is Love&Respect and that influencer, Kyle Bosman, reminded viewers that homosexuality is not a choice. Fucking hyprocrites never talk about THAT.

To be fair in JonTron’s case, he’s never made these opinions apparent in his own content, only on interviews on other channels. In fact, as a longtime JonTron fan, I would’ve guessed he’s more left-leaning based on the jokes and historical context he provides for his videos. Basically, if I had kids, I’d let them

Pretty much. From what I’ve gathered it’s about a 10,000 drop in subs, which isn’t very material when you have over 3,000,000 subs. However, the bigger financial fear is that he won’t get sponsors/partnerships, which are pretty common with JonTron.

This is how I felt about the Colin-leaving-Kinda-Funny-over-a-harmless-joke controversy. I don’t follow or care about that group at all, and the tweet seemed like obvious satire, and was honestly... kinda funny... BUT I then remembered their audience probably includes a lot of young viewers, and I feel as an

As a longtimeJonTron fan, I would say ‘no’, his views have not been apparent in his own personal content, at least not yet. In fact, based on some of the jokes he’s made and historical context he’s provided for videogame/movie subject matter, I would’ve guessed that he’s more left-leaning (e.g. points out the

Sony DUALSHOCK4 USB Wireless PC Adapter
Can anyone confirm if this works on Steam? The reviews on Best Buy are very conflicting. I can use a plugged in DS4 on Steam just fine so I imagine this would work too but there are reviews from January that say it doesn’t work in Steam.

Sony DUALSHOCK4 USB Wireless PC Adapter
Can anyone confirm if this works on Steam? The reviews on Best Buy are

At the Earthbound Fangamer event in 2015, the live playthrough had Ness named Iwata, and the Player’s name was EB Fangamer 2016. So at the end I actually cried when it said EB Fangamer 2016 prayed for Iwata.

I was convinced these were great as soon as I heard “Symmetra’s turrets are being replaced with little McCrees who scream it’s midday every 3 seconds.”

Depends. With any Nvidia exclusive feature like Hairworks, they’re turned off so they can compare with AMD cards. Sometimes they have AA off as well.

I’m really tempted to upgrade but a lot of games are running just below 60fps at 4K, or just above but those benchmarks don’t factor in the really intense areas. For example, RotTR drops frames considerably in the big open areas, but the included benchmark doesn’t represent that in my experience.

So basically I’m

Me, I play at 1440p and my 980Ti runs almost every game maxed out at well over 60 fps, but not all games. I also have a 4K TV but only a handful of recent AAA games can run around 50fps at 4K on my card (Battlefront, Doom).

Also VR. The new GTX series handles VR MUCH better.

I’m pretty sure the compromise will be that most games will run at the more common 30FPS. The games that have to run at 60 most likely won’t reach native 4K or somehow have their graphical settings turned down.

It’s only funny to me because of the context. And then I laughed at myself because I shouldn’t laugh. That’s where a lot of humor comes from. You don’t choose what makes you laugh.

Personally, even as a pretty liberal person who doesn’t know this guy very well at all, I feel that tweet is obviously satire. I mean, I chuckled. However, I feel “influencers” have a certain responsibility to send the right message if their viewers skew more on the younger side, because young people tend to imitate

I got myself an (almost) fully loaded Leap on sale for $1000. I don’t regret it but the one part area it doesn’t meet my expectations is the seat cushion loses support after extended sessions, and I only weigh 120 lbs.

I got myself an (almost) fully loaded Leap on sale for $1000. I don’t regret it but the one part area it doesn’t