Cursed Frogurt

Meanwhile, my Switch arrived at Walmart very early this morning and somehow it’s still in processing and not ready for pickup. The first-world anxiety is killing me.

AKA “line of sight” just like Lucio’s healing/speed.

Yeah it has a time limit but I think that’s fair since the 50% damage increase it gives everyone in range is insane, especially considering Ana’s ult does 50% damage increase (and 50% damage reduction) to just one ally.

Battlefield 1 is $30 on Origin. Actually lots of deals atm on Origin. I’m tempted to drop $30 just for the campaign and to have a new graphical benchmark for my PC.

Battlefield 1 is $30 on Origin. Actually lots of deals atm on Origin. I’m tempted to drop $30 just for the

Just to clarify, the only thing they’re changing is that instead of getting a 35% damage reduction in turret and tank mode, it’s only 20%. Everything else is staying the same. I am totally okay with this.

Yeah I think it would be better with a Stylus. I got it on Vita and haven’t played it since it came out. I absolutely adore Guacamelee, Drinkbox’s last game, but this one fell flat on me. Finger swiping is tiring and pretty boring.

Now playing

THIS is the stuff I love. There is something magical and innocent (since they tend to be targeted towards children) about old videogame adverts.

1. Sega, Valve, etc.
2. Fair Use
3. Being a company does not equal being a dick

Just don’t let Nintendo catch wind. They hate non-profit passion projects that celebrate anything involving their legacy.

I had no idea of this. Thank you!

I had no idea of this. Thank you!

There is a god. Let’s thank him.

If you look at the kill camera, the D.Va (later switches to Soldier) player’s reticule perfectly tracks them. It’s not super obvious but it’s there for sure.

Gotcha, I figured as much, but when I played I swear there was nothing I could press in between the stun and heavy attack. Either way, personally, in a game with mechanics like these, I prefer to fight AI, or maybe friends locally.

Pretty much for me. I noped for good when I saw the trickle of loot that increased my stats. I don’t like multiplayer that centers around filling bars. Not to mention I got stun-locked by a shove and then overhead heavy attack, which I thought was cheap, but there must’ve been something I’m missing since I’m so new

Allow me to speak on behalf of all of my teammates.
I play Zarya in Overwatch. I can’t tell you how many times a teammate has been hooked by Roadhog or pinned by Reinhart, and they say something to the effect of “shit, I’m down” but I bubble-shield them in mid insta-kill and they go “OH! WHAT THE FUCK I’M ALIVE?!

which is why I still love overwatch. It’s a lame aspect of it, but it’s purely cosmetic.

Holy crap this is from 2002. Battlefront 2015 certainly was no Episode IX: Jedi Destiny.

There’s already a free fan-made portal game on the Vive and it’s pretty amazing. My friend was playing and he teleported to a platform with a chest-high-wall that was in the line of sight of some turrets and he promptly died. Upon reloading the checkpoint he asked me, “ok, how do I duck?”
“... You duck.”
VR is magical

Haha thanks! Yeah of all the great comments yours was my favorite, acknowledging the use of “I’m tilting forward on the right analog stick”

Look, I LOVE Overwatch. I love it to death. But I am proud to say I’ve spent $40 on the game and that’s it. The skins and victory stances and highlight intros and sprays etc. are all so lovable, but here’s the thing, you don’t really notice those things when you’re PLAYING THE GAME. When people fire up Overwatch