It made 170 million in China and had a global haul of 330 mil. It was obviously made by the Chinese so whether it did well here or not was irrelevant.
It made 170 million in China and had a global haul of 330 mil. It was obviously made by the Chinese so whether it did well here or not was irrelevant.
Do not try, you might fail. Good lesson.
So all their opponents have to do is not allow cameras and they’ll have an easier win? Spread the word!
It was the 1990 competition not the 1989. 89 was when Tetris released on the NES I believe.
I have played through TEW2 a few times now. It’s a phenomenal game that takes the Resident Evil formula and expands on it in some very good ways. I’m looking forward to some DLC and hopeful for another sequel in the future.
This is why I love Dark Souls so much. There is no hand holding. Figure it out yourself. Sure there are clues on the ground for some general purpose things but the games gives you no direction and makes you feel great when you overcome it’s obstacles.
I mined Litecoins 3 years ago. Sold them this past week for $850. Took me a while to go and find what drive I had them on but other than that it was pretty smooth.
I love exploration and this game filled that role very well. Without saying anything spoilery and just being helpful I would say to just avoid main mission quests and do everything else aside from that before moving on. Enemies do not respawn unless you do main missions which can cause changes. I hope that is helpful…
It’s easier and has some very enjoyable open world areas. I played it on Survival which is like normal and had no trouble.
Big Grats to Thomas G. Kinda surprised that Numbers didn’t win. Numbers is a really amazing player. He would have been the first 2 time NWC. Instead he and myself are the only people to have been a Finalist and a Champion in different years. Numbers in 2017/2015 and myself in 1990/1994.
Suda51 is the motherfucker.
I fucking wish.
I literally wrote an e-mail to SE about this TODAY and then I read this article not 2 hours later.
I approve of this choice.
Hey look we’re mentioning the popular vote again. If you remove the most liberal state we have (California) Trump wins the electoral and the popular vote. Probably the reason the electoral college exists.
She’s a successful white woman that many white people like more than black female singers. Trust me that’s all it takes around here.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
I’ll give a shit when they fix the pc version.
A friend an I each bought a copy. He bought the new DQ 3DS that came with the game and I bought the PS4 version. They shipped from Japan Saturday and arrived Monday. I had mine shipped his place in California and will be there Thursday. We’re going to start them at the same time and see the differences.