
I’ll buy it but I do have a PS4 copy that should ship from Japan today.

This headline matches when I would like to hear about you.

I mentioned this article and comment to a friend and he said he would choose a girl with a better name than “jet engine” and I said BULLSHIT. If you went to a whore house and some chick was named “jet engine” she would be your first fucking pick. He agreed.

Yeah Vaan sucks. I never played 12 in English until now so I didn’t realize how bad he actually was. I will say he’s still not as bad as Emil from Symphonia 2 though who is my all time least favorite.

This is acceptable trash talk.

Then you’ll have Mike Pence and wish you still had Trump.

even if he was guilty of something his dad can just pardon him

Even if there is and he goes to jail. Can’t his dad just pardon him anyway?

It’s a Rocketship!

it crashes a lot if you have a 780 video card like I do and it’s still not fixed. It hasn’t been patched for anything but DLC since like week 2.

is 87 not less than 89?

You misspelled Gilfoyle.

I met Keith 2 years ago at an Expo and he was a fantastic person. He had some amazing stories to tell. He will be missed.

I enjoyed it. I myself torture souls all the time.

I used to have an ex who called me and would discuss her current. We were still friendly and I would always be there for her as she dated assholes who would do terrible things to her. We lived far away from each other by then so it was just through phone calls.

I live in Ohio. Fuck every Ohio sports team forever.

Yeah and he was probably overly careful and got killed for it. Otherwise this would be another article spun to say how a black man was gunned down by a cop.

I feel your pain. Fan for over 25 yrs.

How about you just fuck off instead.

Pretty sad when you can’t even go to a concert and feel safe anymore.