
Is Manning a hero because she helped your narrative? If she leaked shit that hurt democrats would you feel the same way? Kinda like how Manning helped start WikiLeaks and it was awesome. But last year WikiLeaks put out disparaging leaks about Clinton and a lot of people didn’t like that as much. So just admit you give

Is a troll just anyone who doesn’t share your views?

go fuck yourself sweetheart.

This is still unplayable for me because I have a 780 video card and it crashes far too often. Really fucking pissed off because I bought this day one and suffered through the first playthrough because I really enjoyed it but on the second time through it crashed even more and I can’t continue until it’s patched.

I keep seeing people point out the popular vote in this election and how we need to get rid of the electoral college. None of them realize that this election exactly demonstrates why we need the electoral college and that’s because if you remove California from the results then trump wins the electoral and the

How long was she badgering him before she edited out everything else and posting this 30 second blip.

When exactly was he elbowed in the face? I can’t even see any contact from anything. I kinda wanted to see some kid get elbowed in the face. Fuck you for disappointing me.

Reviews usually are pretty worthless to me. I read them occasionally but only to see what someones opinion was which is all the review is good for. I buy games based on if I think they look interesting to me. Not how someone else percieved them.

What the fuck is a gender essentialist?

Seems like an improvement to me. People who complain are probably doing so because they can’t buy games cheap from resellers anymore.

Well said. I would have refunded it but I bought it on greenmangaming.

I’d love to play this but after being out for 6 weeks they still have yet to patch the PC version to make it playable on certain video cards. They patched for this DLC and didn’t fix anything. So money before anything else I guess. Oh btw they patched the console version numerous times.

That’s not their excuse. If it was I would at least be a bit more understanding but no they said they want to help prevent people from being spoiled unintentionally. AS IF THERE ARE PEOPLE FORCING OTHERS TO WATCH VIDEOS THEY DON’T WANT TO! It’s fucking stupid and they try to create lies to hide their real reasoning

And let me be clear. I like to support companies. I buy a lot of games and nearly all of them are full price day 1 purchases. but when a company blatantly makes anti consumer decisions then I can’t support them. I’d rather buy P5 second hand off ebay just to make sure they get zero dollars.

You say that as if any of these companies understandings go beyond their bottom line which is the only thing we have the power to affect.

I don’t like their business practices. So they have no longer earned my business. that’s how this whole thing works. Don’t give support where it’s not deserved.


Nobody on this website will ever admit Trump has done anything good. If they did they would be killed by their co-workers because it’s not ok to have opinions of your own when you are a liberal. You must conform to whatever stance the majority of liberals think or else you are the enemy.

I am a streamer and I do play the games on play on stream. I also only play what I enjoy and not just what is trendy. So yes that is a factor.

The “apology” is bullshit. This was always just a way to limit how damaging streaming could be to their sales and once the initial sales window closed they would lift restrictions. We’re seeing that now and soon they will do it again and they will try and make it sound like they are doing it in good faith when it was