If that were true you wouldn’t have this comment section. The ultimate liberal safe place.
If that were true you wouldn’t have this comment section. The ultimate liberal safe place.
So according to that logic he won’t be replaced?
The JTTF has a recent history of targeting non-violent activists who nonetheless are a bother to the state, most notably its monitoring of a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Minnesota in 2014.
Well maybe they should go buy a pc then. Geez.
It’s because of the font and color. I’d normally be with you here but it’s not about just the letter.
I very very very rarely buy anything from Gamestop these days. Especially since most of my gaming is done on pc through Steam now.
Yeah wouldn’t want to have conversations with people of differing views.
Must be nice to only have conversations with people who you agree with. I bet that did a lot of good with getting Hillary elected. Or not.
This shit made me laugh so fucking hard. Thanks bud. It’s nice when an opposing view gets seen around here. It makes it so much more entertaining.
While I enjoyed RE7 I did not find it scary. There were many WTF is going on here moments but that’s about it. While the game is better than I thought it would be it was not great by any means.
That sounds like every post on this site.
Trumps inauguration was on a Friday when people work. the rally was on a weekend.
Jive ass dude don’t got no brains anyhow.
Happy New Year!
Thank you for recognizing The Witness and how great it was.
The Witness deserves some mention here. It’s a really great game and probably my favorite of the year.
Do they get credit for anything good they might do? Even if it’s on accident?
It’s Black Hole Sun.
Zenimax is a very litigious company. Anyone who tries to do anything with their IP’s will get shut down. Their lawyers must get paid real fuckin well.
Millennial. hahaha. I’m most likely older than you pal. Keep on trying bud.