
Where did I specifically say they were wrong? My opinion is that I don’t like their direction. I never said they were wrong or right. It’s a fucking opinion, MY opinion. Feel free to disagree without being a fuckstick. I must be entitled because I voice my opinions on a forum and vote with my wallet.

I never finished 7. Wasn’t a Fan. Nor did I play 8. 9 was amazing though. 10 I played recently and it was meh, 12 I finished in Japanese but the gambit system was stupid, 13 was bad, 13-2 was better, 13-3 I didn’t play.

This may shock you but I’m ok with this. Put those resources into something else.

Entitled brat? So you think that whatever a developer makes we should accept because that’s what they chose to do. Just buy it and don’t complain because what we like doesn’t matter. Don’t be an asshole. I’m ENTITLED to my opinion just as you are yours. Those opinions might be different. That’s how this shit works.

Right so. Thanks for your opinion on my opinion. If you read anything else in this thread you would see that my main problem is the modern setting with the game. As much as I want turn based I would at least be happy to not be in a fucking car in a Final Fantasy game. I played 13 and 13-2 and my biggest problem with

and I did play that

Happy for you.

Oh Jesus fucking Christ. Who gives a flying fucking fuck.

Actually I don’t have to accept that. I can continue to complain and voice my opinion.

I don’t own a 3DS because I don’t like to play on handhelds. I bought a PSTV so I could play the vita JRPG’s on my TV.

Played it and finished all the content. It was ok but it’s very simple. Seems like it was made for a younger audience but they would get nothing from the older character references.

I do.

after 6 I’m not buying 7 and I don’t like the hide and seek style survival horror stuff like outcast and the like.

but it will seriously affect 7's sales and they know it.

The series doesn’t have to look like the old games but it should go back to those older settings and move away from the modern shit. I don’t want cars in my JRPG. I would also prefer turn based but at least moving away from the modern stuff would be a start.

I doubt that their company was riding on this game. It could under sell and they would still be fine. Funny enough the series is called Final Fantasy because the first one would have been their last game if it failed.

Tell that to Resident Evil 6.

I wouldn’t know because I’m not buying it.

I’m not a minecraft fan which is why I avoided it.

I bought World of FF and enjoyed it for what it was. They can make a main series game without the modern setting and have real turn based combat and it would still do very well. Until then Bring me the new Dragon Quest that I’m sure Jason Shreier will deride. I say this because of how he lambasted 7.