
See I don’t like that 16 only happens if 15 does well because that it will only reinforce them to do more of the same if 15 does well. I want 15 to do shit so they go back to what the series used to be.

At least I care about this Final Fantasy. I’ll never buy another main series FF game until they go back to the medieval roots they had. I don’t want a car in FF. I played 8 for about 10 minutes. Got in a car. Turned it off and never played it again.

On Jezebel if you do not follow the narrative then you are a troll and should remain greyed. Discussion on differing opinions is forbidden here.

I knew about the reviews but I was a fan and wanted to play it anyway. It was more disappointing than I could have thought. Just had such bad control and was mired in QTE’s and the terrible need to have another character with you at all times.

The article specifically stated RE6 sales and what they expect for RE7.

should have said do not like what I see but... yeah fucked that up somehow.

I bought RE6 day 1 and it was trash. I do like like what I see from RE7 so thats one lost sale.

Here you go. I wanted Trump to win. Not because I’m racist or liked him or what he said but because he is literally the worst. I wanted him to be a motivational tool to make people angry about how our government runs and how we need to be angry enough to go out and make change actually happen. Get a couple million

I didn’t see it either.

only if the soap is shaped like Jezebel so I can fuck the b hole

Seems like this article just proves that voter fraud exists and is a valid concern.

I do agree that Hilary will be fucking all our mothers.

Well don’t charge at a cop with a fucking bat then. I suppose I’m supposed to feel sorry for idiots. I don’t.

I believe this would open the door for manufacturers of anything to be responsible for what people do with what they sell. For instance car manufacturers could be responsible if someone mowed down a bunch of people with their car.

I agree. Tired of the shit 360 controller so this is just an about fucking time moment.

There is such a thing as being too happy.

The only new game I am getting this holiday. Screw FF15.

You meant to say FFVI equivalent right?

Yup. We should totally kill people for not agreeing with us.

So I always see people here saying how proud they are that Hillary will be President because they want to show their daughters that a female can do anything.