Don’t worry. LeBron finally said he’s for Clinton so all those holdouts that were waiting for him to decide will turn the tide.
Don’t worry. LeBron finally said he’s for Clinton so all those holdouts that were waiting for him to decide will turn the tide.
Don’t worry when he’s President he’s gonna fuck everyone so you’ll get a good look then.
I feel like Drew Magary would have good answers for this.
I picked up BB a couple months ago and have really enjoyed it. I’m not into the competitive multiplayer stuff so I stick to the story missions and if you are a Borderlands fan then they are quite satisfying. The writing is still great and the voice acting is stellar. I wish there were more story missions and I am…
Gawker. Where we care what white supremacists say when it fits our narrative.
What exactly what she asking Keith not to do?
Having the right to carry a gun and openly holding that gun when police are in front of you are not the same fucking thing.
This is a real garbage season for releases this year. I look at that list and see 2 things I will own. DS3 DLC and World of Final Fantasy. The rest looks like crap.
On a side note I recently hooked up my old NES to play some NES Tetris and while I was at it I checked some of my old Dragon Warrior games to see if the saves were there and they WERE. DW4 full party all level 99 still there 25+ years later. That’s the shit right there.
I still think the Dragon Quest games are the some of the best JRPG’s around and will easily take them over any Final Fantasy game including 6 which I also love. My problem right now is that they won’t release the original versions of these games on any consoles. I don’t want these new remade games where they “update”…
2 paragraphs in I looked up to see if it was.
Nothing I read here has changed my mind about this game being garbage. Give me DQ11 thanks.
I call weaponless horror games, hide and seek simulators.
You mean Dragon Warrior 2.
Is that because you won’t hit a woman?
I have about 2000 hours into Marvel Heroes and every character at max level so maybe I am a bit biased but yes it’s a good game with really good devs that listen to player feedback.
When she starts her own business and is her own boss she can wear whatever the fuck she wants. Otherwise you’re being an entitled asshole.
How much more awesome is Fahey than everyone else there? I say he is at least 300% more awesome than everyone else. We need more Fahey.
Those games also don’t have massive advertising budgets.
Do you think advertising budgets are going to go down drastically in the next few years? It seems like with how todays internet works any news is known to the people who want to know it within a few hours of it being announced. I don’t think advertising adds enough additional sales to support it’s very expensive costs.