
Gawker has to make money to pay Hogan somehow.

They are making an Expendables with all women and I’ll watch it and have no problem with it. Same for Oceans 11. Because they aren’t pretending the other versions didn’t happen.

I was too young to know about Oceans 11 at the time but I would gladly give back every good remake to avoid having all the bad ones. But yes I am against all of them which I mentioned in another reply. The best one I ever saw was True Grit and I’d give it back as well.

Because it’s saying it never existed. Do you understand the difference?

I said I think a lot of it has to do with clickbait articles like this. This topic for this movie gets a lot of attention and brings creeps into the argument that would normally not take part but I still feel as though they are in the minority and that a lot of hate is genuinely about people disliking what they see

Right so Star Trek was rebooted and still acknowledged it’s previous timeline and even had original spock in it. Star Wars was never rebooted and the internet would explode if it was. More than Ghostbusters ever could. This gets blown up because of some vocal minorities that are being prodded by a media in love with

Oh right it’s sexist because it’s women. If I asked a bunch of guys if they could be objective about some guys in a movie it’s not sexist at all though. Gimme a break with the sexist card whenever something comes up you don’t agree with. Disagree. Say you have a different opinion than my opinion. Because that’s the

That's a nice opinion you have there. Do you keep it in a jar and bring it out everytime you think someone fits your profile? Explore the possibility that I am sincere then toss me a response.

I think it’s overblown.

I think a vocal minority and clickbait articles have given it more hate than it would have ever gotten otherwise. Also it’s almost like people are choosing a side. Feminism and anti-feminism and that probably brings more hate into the discussion but I don’t think either side is warranted or right because they both

Man you are an excellent debater. Can we do this more often?

Except Star trek acknowledged their past and even has original Spock in it and explained how this new timeline happened. At least they did that.

But you know what I meant when I said it. Obviously most people have not seen it but they can dislike what they have seen and dislike the idea of it being unnecessary.

And what the fuck do you presume to know about the people I associate with? “I don’t like what you said so you and all the people you know must be bottom feeding fuckbags”

I expected better than this from you jezbanned. Dig deeper and give me a real comment.

I’ll pat myself on the back later. I’ll do it sarcastically though.

Ahh yes. I have stated numerous time that only I am the authority of Ghostbusters authenticity. No wait what I actually said was if you can’t see how they are remaking exact scenes from the original and are knowledgeable(I really thought this word would not have an e after the g but spellchecker said differently.

I look forward to Marvel’s take on Spiderman and I thought he was great in Civil War so that's not true in the least.

If you make this comment it’s because you don’t know the original movie as it compares to the trailer and are only commenting to try and ridicule what I said. Nice try though.

No no no. They didn’t make it a huge deal. The media made it a huge deal and fed those idiots egos by showing they had a voice and then decided to raise their voice so more people would hear them and the media bought it. Clickbait drives this story. If you ignore a child enough they stomp their feet and walk away.