Fuck those people in the mouth hole with Slimers dick.
Fuck those people in the mouth hole with Slimers dick.
I saw the trailer and saw them literally taking old scenes are doing them in new and horrible ways. Jesus Christ at least try and be fucking original instead of directly ripping off the whole fucking movie.
Thats a great opinion you have and I’m glad you are able to express it. My opinion is different.
Again it’s because this story gets more attention. I gave up on the Spiderman movies after part 3 was a shit show. This story just gets more attention because of things like oh say... CLICKBAIT.
I won’t disagree with that mainly because in a lot of peoples eyes you are not only committing one crime by remaking it but you’re trying to do it with what some will view as an agenda which will of course bring out all types of ridiculous idiots and create a fabulous disaster of comments. This does not mean that the…
If that's what makes you sleep at night then go for it.
I was an original detractor and you can sort through my post history to find out I had the same opinions then that I do now.
Those are not remakes that throw out the original stories. Holy shit if they tried to remake Star Wars? The Internet would fucking EXPLODE. People might literally be murdered for trying it.
But you have to admit a lot of that is because of the news coverage it gets bringing in more people who would normally not give a shit because they want to be part of the asshole group as they see it was a way to poke the feminists. They are a vocal minority to me but have big mouths which is not unusual for vocal…
I will admit to GB2 being terrible but it has grown on me over the years and I suppose I hate it less than I used to. It has some good quotes.
I do actually whether it was Total Recall or Fright Night or Halloween the the really terrible Freddy remake. Maybe Red Dawn. Yes I feel the same way about them but they don’t get the news coverage that Ghostbusters gets so this gets a spotlight.
#notallmen #notallghostbustersfan I dunno. It was something to comment on early which is the best way to get a discussion going and I generally like discussion when it can be civil between parties that disagree on something.
News coverage and articles like this which only want to focus on how sexism is the reason the movie is disliked which in turn triggers a certain group of people to behave irrationally and maybe use bots to down vote videos as well as trolls trolling because it’s cool to hate that thing everyone seems to hate.
You’re right so why are people angry about people being angry then? Agenda to push maybe? 25 REASONS MEN HATE WOMEN! #22 WILL SHOCK YOU!
If it were a sequel people would have reacted differently but they didn’t do that. The only reboot/remake I have seen in the last 20 years that I can say is amazing was True Grit.
You’re right I really just hate women and which them dead. Happy?
Yup all we do is lie to each other when we talk about the new Ghostbusters movie and disguise our deep seeded hate for women. That’s completely logical.
YouTube comments are the standard we use to gauge public opinion now? That's like scraping the barrel.
It’s not about women for a lot of people. Everyone who I speak to doesn’t give a shit about the fact that the new ghostbusters are women. They just think 2 things. This was not a movie that needed rebooting or remaking and 2 it looks like SHIT. If 4 male actors did the same thing I would still think it was a bad idea.
There was only 1 puzzle in the game I had to write things down for and I would be shocked if anyone did it by memory alone.