
I did beat it a couple times now. The witch is quite hard. I will say that when she does the red orb that shoots many streams at you just walk away from it just before it starts shooting and it should miss. knowing that should help to beat her easier.

The Witness has been my biggest joy so far but I have also loved Salt and Sanctuary as well as Dark Souls 3.

The midnight launch thing for games that require online servers has bothered me for years and made no sense. Whether it was WoW expansions or even Diablo 3 they could have sold them a day or 2 early so people could install and be ready when the servers came up. This is long overdue but it’s most likely being done to

when you get the pledge manager you can pledge more money for more add-ons it just doesn’t unlock more stretch goals.

Do we have to say America sucks now when refer to this “beer”?

This game looked like a turd since I first saw it. I’ve played Doom 1-3.

yes. It says so in the description underneath it

What do you deliver this in? The box is there to protect the pizza from getting dirty. Wouldn’t the edible box get dirty?

I wouldn’t have wanted it remade if it was 4 guys. It doesn’t fucking matter that it’s 4 women. Don’t remake movies that don’t need to be remade. I like Melissa McCarthy and regardless of whether I do like her and my feelings on whether it should be remade this movie looks bad.

Wouldn’t it be nice if they did the suicide part first.

From the bandainamcouk twitter

Why is this on Adequate Man?

Still not as bad as this guys take

and it comes out the day DS3 releases so I won’t touch it for months

Yes and that radius has included me a few times. You learn you be careful with it very quickly.

Explosive Mini-gun clears that room in seconds.

I hope they do not use a controller with touch screen buttons. Losing the touch sensory of the buttons is a bad thing for any type of gaming because you lose track of where exactly your thumb is.

Best song on the new Album thus far for me. I don’t think this Album is as good as Worship Music though.

Ahh yes. Please for heavens sake don’t tell a woman to smile. It is akin to raping them in public. The shame will never be forgotten or forgiven.

I came here to comment on that pic. All I could think is WTF ARE YOU DOING!