
That comic book arc you describe is exactly what I wish Episode 3 had been. Anakin getting ground down by the war. Haunted by losing so many people under his command. Forced to make shitty decisions that send him into doubt and damage his sense of morality until only preserving the order of the Republic is important

So here’s a question I have unrelated to the new episode, but which I only thought of yesterday and have no better place for.

How about internal consistency?

it feels like they put cuts when they notice the actors about to catch up with her.

You’re also talking about the episode where Obi-Wan had to use his blaster on the laser gate to disable it when they could’ve easily walk around it, so....

The staging and cinematography for all the action scenes in this show have been bad.  The “chase” scenes with Leia are the worst offenders, but the fight scenes aren’t great either.  

I think the show did a great job with it.

So is the actor’s own account also part of Disney’s supposed damage control effort (whatever for btw, first ep was friggin brilliant)? Seeing as that’s central to this whole deal and all.

“I can believe there would be a sasquatch with a laser crossbow, a giant slug who runs a criminal empire, pig-men, and a small blue elephant who plays in a band, but BLACK humans? How would that happen?”

The Prequels were bad movies, but they were still undeniably Star Wars movies.

No, you’ll always feel that shame.

Fuck yes, he’s one of my favorites from Sex Education so I'm going to enjoy this.

It’s treated that way now, but that’s sort of a retcon, with later Macross series occasionally referencing it. Originally, Kawamori was just looking to adapt the series into something that could work in a theatrical run, and so he treated it like an alternate universe version of the chronology to explain why there are

I thought the Macross movie was an “in-universe” movie about the events of the series?

This makes me think the movie is not only going to have Jane as Mighty Thor, but we may see at least one or two other people weilding Mjolnir before the movie is finished.

I was completely unaware until this news broke that Hasbro DIDN’T own it.

All PR speak. They don’t actually give a damn and are only reacting to the possible exodus from their creative labor force.

Being deceptive is all you really have as an executive of a corporation.

A statement after a bill is signed is completely worthless.  You are complicit if you wait until after a bill is signed.

What exactly the company will to do achieve its “goal” of repealing or striking down the legislature is still unclear.

Yeah all of these are absolutely recommended. Just simply some of the best anime I’ve ever seen.