
I can appreciate the sentiment that Windows 8 is not a great operating system. There is no comparison to Blackberry that I can see. RIM failed to innovate. They sat idly by and watched Apple kick their ass. They shrugged off the app store and the finger friendly touch interface. They just flushed their company

I suspect that Microsoft makes a determination as to whether the patches require recertification based on some factors. Konami and other creators are not willing to pay for the software to go through the system again so they balk. Sony is either more reasonable/lenient in what is considered a major change or they

I'm sorry. I cannot fathom why someone who plays video games by definition needs a girlfriend who plays video games at all. I've been married more than twenty years. My wife doesn't give a crap about video games. I'm not sure why she would.

I think the processing power is there. What limits games on phones is storage space. They have the screen size and pixel density for excellent graphics but what I would consider a "console quality" game would consume 1/4 of the storage capacity of a good quality smart phone.

My greatest concern with this article was that there were people on the planet who needed to be told this. People can't look at the machine and make an educated guess that the owner/operator is turning a profit. If said operator is profiting then either the toys are worth less than the money required to win one or

I agree. What a childish way to act. He's trying to play the bully card too which is ignorant at best. Someone tweeting about your opener is not bullying. Every slight you have ever perceived is also not bullying. There are kids all over the country who are bullied. You are not one of them. In fact MC Chris is

I was a big fan of Encyclopedia Brown. I remember reading them in 4th and 5th grade. They did not have them in the elementary school library but I got special permission to go over to the junior high school library and check them out. They were awesome. You would think a kid who liked those would like the Hardy

I think what brought them together is that she is young and beautiful while he is athletic and filthy rich. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's why she doesn't respond to my inquiries.

It saddens me to see how many boys there are in the gaming world who will never become men. They have no character, morals, or manners. I am thankful that my father raised me better than that and I hope I have instilled 500% more respect than that in my 16 year old son. That is shameful behavior and it's never OK on

If you spend your life trying to avoid any literature or art that is based on a religion then you are going to miss a great deal. I meant to read these books when the movie came out and then completely forgot about them. I must now put them back on the short term bucket list.

Some of the greatest memories from my childhood are sending away a couple of hard earned dollars, a proof of purchase, and a filled out form to receive a cheap piece of junk WEEKS later in the mail. I had sea monkeys, x-ray glasses, records cut out of the back of a cereal box, and a bunch of other things I probably

This brings up several questions in my mind.

Reddit is destroying any intellectual discussion we might otherwise have over the Internet with memes. There are many people in third world countries starving while you repaste the same comment on every discussion on the web. I very rarely see anyone in any thread on any forum claim that anything being discussed is

I can't make heads or tails of this. I don't know how to see all of the comments instead of just the ones that float to the top. I like the Kotaku comments... even the trolls. I think it's the main reason I come here. The articles are great but the reactions are the real draw for me and now I can only easily see

Well done, sir. Well done indeed.

One of the illustrious Kotaku staff should do a piece on great games whose studios are lost to time and space. I think that would be really cool. I don't have the breadth of knowledge to do it personally but I would enjoy reading it. This game would be on the list of tragedies... not that the game is bad but

This looks pretty darn cool. I've never heard of Dwarf Fortress before. Thanks, Kotaku! Also as a programmer my company provides a Safari Books Online subscription for me so I can even read this book at no extra charge to myself. This looks like a NetHack meets Sim City sort of a thing. I will have to give it a

This does sort of put some perspective at least on my own expectations and opinion of some games. There are many games where you can look at the quality and say "This is crap and everyone that pushed it out the door probably knew it". However, most games are probably a lot like this one. There are a bunch of people

Have you seen Nintendo's financial results for the last five to seven quarters?

Nintendo lost $531,000,000 for this past fiscal year. This is not my definition of success.