
I think it’s a mistake to look at VR as a replacement for traditional games or films in your life. It’s not. You’re right that VR is usually more draining than relaxing, mentally and physically. I feel tired after playing a couple hours of VR in a way I just don’t with flat screen games. For me, VR is best reserved

id like to point out, not all vr experiences require you to stand and be active. vr in games like elite dangerous is a sitting experience. vr just gives you an edge since you can look around your cockpit. cant tell you how much easier dogfighting has gotten now that i can more easily track where my enemies have flown.

Have you tried VR?

The most important thing about VR is that you need to try it before you can judge it. I pretty much felt the same way as you did, then one day I was at an event and someone had hooked up a Vive. I thought the people trying it looked really stupid, but I figured what the hell. I put it on, played around, and I was

You need to experience room scale. It truly is something special. You look around. You swing your sword. You’re really there, ducking and dodging attacks. You’re really bringing the gun to your face, looking down the sights and firing.

Try going to a VR arcade to try them out and you may change your mind.

There are many VR games and apps which you can play seated, too, if you don’t like those where you move around, well, get seated playable ones.

Yeah, this is me. When I game it’s definitely in a very relaxed way. I really wanted a Rift (until they said how much it cost) but now I realized that after a month, it’d probably just end up collecting dust on my shelf, ignored for the convenience of just gaming casually. That’s just me though and glad I recognize it.

I just don’t understand VR. When I get home from work and want to play a video game, I want to sit on my fat lazy butt with a controller in my hand and “veg out” in front of my monitor.

I think the main appeal of VR will not be sword fighting and jumping around. It will be chatting with a friend who’s a 1000 miles away, sitting lazily on a virtual couch in the millenium falcon playing starwars chess like you both were in the same room. Laughing and joking and having a level of interaction / immersion

I understand this, and actually agree with it - to a degree. One of the bigger obstacles in VR right now is actually getting everything set up for it. As you say, it’s not exactly like just turning on an system and getting right into it.

From what I understand very few games are with the motion controls and even those are optional. Any demo I’ve seen always has the person sitting with the controller or even the motion controllers. Plus since the VR headset is an octopus with all the wires you really can’t jump around.

Even for you, VR doesn’t have to become your number one game device. It is really fun to play every now and then. And I personally know that I don’t want half the currently existing types of games to be played on a VR headset. But goofy immersive ones, google hearth and picture/videos, and random things like superhot

I just don’t understand VR. When I get home from work and want to play a video game, I want to sit on my fat lazy butt with a controller in my hand and “veg out” in front of my monitor.

I think that when shit like this goes down, contacting the FBI might not be a bad idea.

Anybody know what the deal was? I’m assuming these guys didn’t drive a few thousand miles with some guns just because they didn’t like a card game.

Re: the $1 sale on European War 2 & 3, there is actually also a "Bundle" which includes ALL 4 European War titles (including 2 & 3) available right now, also for only $1!

Re: the $1 sale on European War 2 & 3, there is actually also a "Bundle" which includes ALL 4 European War titles

I feel for you. Until last year, my area didn't have fiber and I'm in a very rural mountainous area. Still at the same time, I'm not the type of person who wants to throw $400 a month towards 1 Gbps speeds. I'm hoping Google and Elon Musk shake up the business and force telecommunication companies to upgrade lines,

Yes. Thank you!