
I do not dispute that Nintendo sold a large number of consoles in any way. My comment is that it became a fad. People who don't normally buy consoles bought this. Many of my non gaming friends bought these. They played a couple of games and it sat on a shelf from then on never to be touched again. Nintendo closed

Wow. Stephen hit the nail on the head here. I've started a comment with the same sentiment on Wii U postings on several occasions. It got long and wordy so I just hit cancel. The Wii was not a commercial success in my opinion. They sold over 70 million consoles. Super Mario Galaxy 2 sold less than 7 million

Me too. It's a hassle to set up QBasic on a modern OS but totally worth it to play the original banana chucker.

I like it! It's like the "Find your porn star name game" but with JRPGs. I am a programmer by profession and I am sorely tempted to create a web page that randomly generates titles based on your theory. The idea begs for a Perl script and a PHP page.

I like this article very much. Everything she says makes a lot of sense. I admire anyone who uses all the tools in his or her arsenal to be effective and successful. I tell my kids being successful is about playing to your strengths and when you do that it doesn't matter what color or gender you are. That doesn't

Flatulent Mule: Caveat Brony

Just tried dark souls for the first time today. I'm not sure what all the praise is about. The controls are sluggish. The button scheme is kind of odd. Both of these things combine to make the game ridiculously hard. The attacks and dodges appear to do a half dozen different things depending on which way you have

I don't know anything about the playbook. Maybe you can root it and put Anroid on it? I only have an iPad and an iPhone but I think there's a TON of great content for Android too. Also, I think that all RIM has to do is adopt Android as their OS for their devices. If they focus their business acumen on creating

I'm seeing a lot of discussion about whether it is real here in the comments. Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm not a lawyer but Microsoft is demanding take down notices based on copyright. The document would need to have been written by or at the behest of a Microsoft employee for them to have a copyright claim.

That wasn't funny at all until I clicked the link. Well done, sir. Well done indeed.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm. RIM was notified last month by one of their hardware manufacturing partners that they are exiting the business. As far as I can tell RIM is praying for a decent buyout before they have to declare bankruptcy and all of their valuable patents get auctioned off by court order.

The thing I have learned from this article is to never EVER pay attention to ANY review by Xbox magazine. This game is clearly broken. Giving this game a 75 is disingenuous at best and possibly intentional deception.

I hope that when I am on my death bed that the only thing I have to regret is gaming too much. That seems like a good problem to have to me. It's like the dumb ass you see in McDonalds blowing a gasket at the teenager because his coke didn't have enough ice. If your life is so perfect that ice ruins your day, then you

You know, it's funny that you say that. I've related this story a time or two before and a lot of people think that if you are terribly wronged by a person that you come out well by suing them or whatever. This is definitely true if some guy hits you driving a company truck for some corporation or other. Usually,

I know right! I loved riding that thing. I still say it was fun. You couldn't have talked me out of it for anything at the time. I guess I just didn't understand how bad it would be if someone ran over me. Not just me, either. My wife went through hell. She stayed at that hospital in the waiting room of the ICU

Wow. What an awesome story! I got t-boned by an idiot in a Ford Explorer riding my Harley in 2006. She smashed into my leg and it just exploded. An incredibly talented surgeon put my leg back together with straps and about thirty five of those screws. I was in miserable pain for months and had to have my

I was all into this game in May. I couldn't get enough of it. I was staying up too late playing and feeling like crap at work the next day. My daughter was a passenger in a suburban that her stupid friend was driving and she slammed into the concrete barrier on a bridge and managed to flip it over the bridge to the

That's awesome, Mike! I could stand to lose that much weight myself. I need to get on that. If Mike can lose that much and still maintain a job sitting at the computer ten hours a day then I can too! I just need to borrow some of his willpower.

You are so right. I think this will kill Android tablet. It was a non-starter anyway so it's not like that's a big deal. I held off on buying myself an iPad until a year after the iPad 2 came out. I finally broke down and bought one. I can't say enough good things about the form factor. I use it daily despite