
Well I had to send my gaming laptop off for RMA and got it back this week. That means I'm redownloading a few games that I couldn't back up properly although I did get all of my Steam games. Thank God for that because it would have taken a week to download all those again!

Every time that fairy says "Hey, Listen" I want to poke her eye out with the master sword.

I couldn't agree with you more about the keyboard controls. I received my laptop back from being out for warranty repairs yesterday. I loaded up my game and had not grabbed my controller I had been using on my desktop and Oh My! These controls are just wretched! I do like using an XBox 360 wireless controller with

I believe the device will use the Amazon app store and only that app store. There's no reason to believe that every app worth having on the device will be listed in both places... the Android Market Place and Amazon Market place. It definitely looks like it will be an attempt at the "Walled Garden" approach just

Have you considered the Kindle Fire? I know it's fifty dollars more but I would expect that the long term support for the device would be great. I think if I was shopping for a non-iPad, that would be my first choice. Just my two cents

I'm with you on this. I can never get into tower defense and then one of them gets a lot of press and I buy it and discover that I still hate tower defense. I don't really hate them but I can't sit there and play them for hours.

What is this? I don't even...

Asus G73JH laptop with i7, 8GB ram, and an AMD 5870M GPU. I'm ready! Bring it!

You are 100% correct about this guy, Kris B. He didn't serve in the special forces in any way. He quit his job and resigned from the television show. That's a pretty clear indication to me that he was flat out lying. I doubt that he was even an intelligence officer attached to the unit now. If he were, he

I didn't notice her face was in the screen shot until you mentioned it. I had to scroll back up and check to make sure.

I played a LOT of Torchlight. I'm playing Diablo II right now. I just took a break to check Kotaku. I think I have an unhealthy and admittedly one sided bromance going on with Max Schaefer.

First, thank you for your service to our beloved country. Sincerely. Second, I wasn't ever in the military. Looking back on it, I should have joined and done my fair share, but I didn't.

Welcome to our playground! I'm not referring to the postings. That's your playground. I'm referring to this section below each one where we all play. It's a pretty great group of people. I actually return to this site every day because I love to read the commentors' reactions to the articles as much as the

What I got out of this article is that Roberta Williams is freaking gorgeous. I've been programming for twenty years and all of my coworkers are frumpy dudes like me. I should've been a game developer.

I can't believe a professional lets whiny crybabies get under his skin. Why in the Hell would EA put the best maps in the beta? A percentage of the players would say "I played the best BF3 has in the beta so I don't have to buy it now". They would post it right here in these comment threads. I guarantee it.

It is illegal and immoral. I don't think this is criminally illegal in the sense that you do time for it. I am not a lawyer but I believe this is a copyright violation and they have to sue you for damages.

Based on the responses here, I'm going to play it this weekend. I have no problem with a game allowing people to pay money to "skip ahead". I assumed it was one of those games that only lets you play for ten minutes and then you run out of "moves" or whatever. This sounds like very reasonable implementation of the

D&D on Facebook REALLY piqued my interest. D&D style games are always fun with your friends if you can con them into playing. It was going great right up to this: "Your adventuring is limited by action points, which can be refilled using special currency that can be purchased using real-world monies."

On an unrelated note, I really dig your username. I'm a fan of the Dune series too.

There's nothing wrong with a Kindle. It's a great little device. There's nothing wrong with Android. I like it OK. My personal opinion is that iOS is more polished but the current Android OS is close enough that it doesn't really matter. The deal killer here is the 7 inch screen. That is too small. It is not