
The dichotomy here is a vast chasm. The game needs to be simple enough that your mother would sit and play it all of a Saturday evening to get more points/gold/goo/whatever than her best friend Mary Jo so that Mary Jo wakes up tomorrow all jealous of your mom's score. Therefore she plays the tedious stupid ass game

I have yet to play the beta. I hope to play it this weekend! By the way, the idiom is "make do" not "make due"... not that it's a big deal or anything.

I don't know how it is for you guys but gaming has come and gone for me too. I can't put myself in Lisa's shoes partly because I'm a dude and three times her size and partly because I was always very good at video games.

I live in Central Texas and I would say I'm right on the average there. My average download speed is just over 600K. If my speed is less, it's because the web server is feeding it out slower. On a big name site like Microsoft.com I get 615 to 620 all day long. There are a lot of people who live in more densely

Wow. I already felt like a sucker for buying a launch unit. Now all I need is a set of donkey ears to complete the look.

It might make sense for an iPod. Those things are a dime a dozen used. One would be foolish to give up an iPad or an iPhone 4 for less than $350, though.

I agree with the comments so far. Those prices are extremely low. I shopped both eBay and Craigslist before deciding to purchase a new iPad. You can sell those items for twice as much with very little effort. I will be surprised if this is successful. In the end I decided that I would rather have a new iPad for

AT&T is fast and reliable if you live in one of the ten largest cities in America. Everywhere else, it's crappy data service and dropped calls. My phone's favorite trick is to never ring but notify me of a voicemail message or missed call later. I really like that one. It does this daily... because AT&T is just


It's a good question. I grew up with the beginning of the video game and computer era. As a programmer, I wonder the same thing about modern young programmers. If you never spent an entire evening trying to get the jumpers set correctly on all your addin boards so that your scanner had a working IRQ but your sound

If you see a dude barreling down the highway in a blue truck with a dragon born in the back followed closely by three police cars then you'll know my plan has gone awry.

I am a grown man. I have teenaged children. I am a pretty quiet and reserved guy but I would LOVE to have one of these on each side of the sidewalk leading up to my house. Hell, I'd love to have one in my living room. My wife would hate it, but I would be willing to suffer the wrath for one of these!

How big are they? How much do they weigh? I mean, is this something I can smash and grab or will I need to recruit some shady friends and get it after the shop closes?

I do have the original PS3 60GB. It works perfectly. Every console I've ever purchased all the way back to the Atari 2600 worked until I stopped playing it and gave it away EXCEPT my Xbox and XBox 360. Both quit. The original Xbox had the drive fail which I believe it did in thousands of units. The 360 RRODed

I agree that a lot of publishers are going to try this. I would like to stress, as someone who has worked in a very large corporation for a dozen years, this is about returning value to stockholders. This is not about creating a better game, providing higher quality content, or anything else. It's about generating a

I would think trying to bite through a metal slime would be unpleasant. However one would assume that once you got through the outer shell they are filled with pudding since they only have one HP.

I'm not paying a subscription fee for games. I'm not paying one for DQX, CoD, or anything else. That is ridiculous. I certainly won't buy a launch Wii U. I learned my lesson on the 3DS. You show me the games and then I'll show you the money. If you want my money for your game then you better include it in the sales

It had to be done. Well played, sir. Well played. Also, I thought the extension cord bit was fantastic! I laughed.

Oh I know. I wrote that whole paragraph just to say "but I'm not bitter". It's a long way to go for a joke but I was bored ad I have the day off today.

It wasn't understandable to me! I bought one for four hundred dollars a few months after launch. The son of a bitch RRODed 18 months later. They sent me another piece of shit three weeks later. I had two games under the Christmas tree for me and three for my young son. The second piece of shit RRODed after seven hours