
Lucky bastard! Anyway, I was so moved by Gearbox's magnanimous gesture that I purchased the GOTY version on Steam. I've already played it on the 360, but I didn't buy the DLC. So here's to you, Gearbox and the happy couple! *clink*

I thought it made sense to buy one because I never bought a DSi. Therefore all of that online content would be "new to me". I've been playing Ghost Recon. The 3D is freaking awesome. I still get a kick out of it every time I play. They still haven't released the firmware update that opens up DSiWare so here I sit

Wow. The headline should read "Death of the GBA Slot". That's what we are losing here. There will officially be no way to play GBA carts on a new handheld anymore. I guess I better take care of my DS Lite since it is now irreplaceable! I wish they had made a DS Lite XXL. That would have been awesome. I have a

If Duke doesn't look in a mirror and say "Damn! I'm lookin good" in this game I am going to be disappoint.

I will trade with you. My birthday is 9/11. Everyone is depressed on my birthday.

If there was a way to care even less about two people that I don't know getting married, I would do it. The importance of this completely escapes me. I am not English so I assume that is why I can't understand it. I don't begrudge people being excited about it, I just don't understand why.

You are correct that my son will try fiddling with the iPhone at night after WoW will no longer work. I have 24X7 traffic monitoring and logging on my network. The thing that makes internet removal a successful motivator for academic achievement is that what he WANTS to play is online. He rarely plays an offline

I do that too but he likes using my desktop gaming rig for WoW instead of the Alienware m11x I bought him for Christmas... which irks me greatly. Anyway I don't want to block the MAC on the desktop because it gets automatic updates and such overnight. If I catch him changing ports we will be without WoW for quite a

That's already the law at my house here in the USA. Just to make sure that it is adhered to after I go to sleep, I have configured the router to disallow the ports for XBox Live and WoW between midnight and 6:00 AM every day and 8:30 PM to midnight on school nights. (Those are the only things my teenagers play right

bmart008, you should go here for help with your Asus laptop. Ask these people. I cannot recommend it enough. I have an Asus gaming laptop and hang out there all the time. There isn't a problem that's ever been had on an Asus laptop that hasn't been beat to death in those forums.

That picture is very wrong. It's funny, but wrong.

I cut my teeth on F15 Strike Eagle. That game was freakin hard or I was very young or I suck at flight simulators... any of those will do.

I have no clue who George Leutz is. I am 100% certain that he is not an IT Professional because he doesn't know to plug a machine into a UPS if you absolutely have to ensure availability.

If you got a 3D laptop then you have a 120Hz screen and probably a much better video card than a 5730. Also, there's a huge difference between a 15" screen and a 17" screen. Completely different class of laptop. You're fine.

You and 10,000,000 others like this.

Now my favorite website is goading me into a tax tirade. What's the world coming to? We paid more in taxes this year than we paid for our first house and I still owe seven hundred bucks. Living the American dream.

I am a huge fan of FF VII and FF X. If Kotaku says VI is better and the readers agree then I'm going to have to play that game! I had already purchased a used GBA version quite a while ago but never got around to playing it. So far the intro is awesome and the story is looking very good. I may have to change my

Fair enough. I watch the occasional video but not many. YouTube content works fine so I guess I don't really notice it. To be fair, the iPads in the house don't belong to me so I don't use them except to tinker. I'm a heavy iPhone user but it's not a great video player platform. I will admit there is the

"Even if you don't watch the whole thing, at least stick with it 'til you see the 20-sided die."

I have purchased two of them since launch and I still don't have one. The first was for my daughter and the iPad 2 I purchased launch day was a gift for my wife. I don't know why people want flash on the iPad. What would it be used for? It either slows down a portable device or causes it to burn through it's