
@Laughing Man Redux: I loved Heavenly Sword. The cut scenes just rocked. It wasn't perfect but it was pretty darn good.

This video is Win! Someone please send this to Kevin Butler immediately!

I don't like Pokemon, but I give this video the QBasicGorilla seal of approval! It is off the chain!

@SneakySpyGuy: +10 cool factor. Well done sir. Well done.

I guess I am completely missing the point with these new control systems because I can't imagine why I would want any of those games or control methods. 3D gaming interests me greatly. I will pre-order a 3DS as soon as possible but this motion sensing thing completely escapes me.

Achievements add fun and extend the play time of games that I like. I had a good time going after extra achievements in games like Fallout 3. I'm not a big multiplayer guy but I can see where they add value to games like Gears of War and the Halo series.

@famoustrip: takes everything literally: I have a work issued Thinkpad that I never use. I use my own laptop. However I love trackpoint. I wish all laptops had that. If I could take the guts out of my gaming laptop and cram them in the ThinkPad it would be the perfect laptop. Excellent rugged design, great

@wazups2x: I have a laptop (Asus G73JH) for gaming on the couch, gaming on the bed, gaming in the computer room, software development at work, gaming on vacation, gaming on the road.... I guess I have a gaming laptop for gaming? Oh... and reading Kotaku.

In answer to the title question: Yes. Yes I do want a Pro Elite Wireless controller for my PS3. Thank you. That is all.

@Grimm808: I think that has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever seen. I realize that it is difficult to fully appreciate the idiosyncrasies of other cultures, but that is really stupid. It manages to make an otherwise reasonable person look like an idiot.

@Amazing_Spiderham: I played the hell out of that game! Loved it! Good times. Now I know you are old... like me.

It's funny that you say that Owen. I worked at a feed store as a kid. Those old men would sit on that bench under the awning and talk for hours while we worked. I learned all kinds of things about my home town! I heard dozens of stories about WWII and just about every subject under the sun. I guess that happens

@grem28: Zenonia is very zelda like. There is a Zenonia 2 but I haven't played it yet. I'm told it is very good as well.

Ads in full price games are simply unacceptable. If there is no warning on the packaging stating there will be ads in the game that cannot be turned off, someone should file a lawsuit and seek class action status.

@Hiero: Where does the big price hike come from? Is it taxes that the game reseller has to pay to get it into the country or are the resellers just robbing you blind?

@Alvarez: I'm the opposite, Alvarez. I really enjoy single player western style RPGs like ME and ME2, but I'm bored to tears of WoW. I tried it a couple of times and it just seemed like an endless series of fetch quests and level grinding. I'm not knocking people who love it. I just personally couldn't get into it.

This reminds me of the 8 and 16 bit days when games had awesome box art that looked absolutely nothing like the actual game inside the box. Not that this is the case with this game but I just remember wishing my games looked as good as the picture on the box.

@TheRevanchist2: LOL! Me too. Lemming must obey master. It is a pretty cool game... especially for what I paid. The concept is cool... sort of a Kirby meets World of Goo.