
@ryoshi: I was t-boned by an idiot doing something stupid a few years back on my motorcycle. Horrendous injuries, mucho surgery, permanent damage. Erin Wood is a hell of a big hearted woman for being so forgiving. I wanted to end that person for a very long time. It plays over in your mind constantly and the more

@Action Fitz: That's the funniest comment I've read in a month! That is so wrong.

Thank you for this post! I'm not particularly excited about this technology, but I was curious as hell about what was in that blow up igloo. I didn't have the patience to stand in that long line. Now I know!

I saw Pong on an Atari with flip switches to select the game and paddles to play. I was four or five and the grownups were playing. I wasn't allowed to touch it because I was too little and it was too expensive. I guess I'm old too.

@the-hypnotoad: I remember those hologram games... the one where you were an old west gunslinger. Those damned things were expensive! I think those things were four quarters when everything else was one or two quarters. I couldn't play those because it would cut my day at the arcade very very short.

@Raso719: You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have motorcycles with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! Now evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that cannot be done. Ah, would you remind me what I pay you people for, honestly? Throw me a bone here! What do we have?

@relic1980: Been there. Done that. Those were great times. I never heard of Commodore Gazette. My programs came out of Compute's Gazette. Pages and pages of code. It was so much fun digging through it after you got it all typed in and tweaking things to make the game behave differently.

I got t-boned by a psychotic woman who ran around a car sitting at a stop sign out into the middle of a four lane highway where she found me minding my own business. I couldn't play this game because I can't bend my knee far enough to reach back for the pegs on that bike. The doctors say I should be dead. They'd

@Komrade Kayce: +10 pen of comedy is mightier than the sword! I literally laughed when I read that line yet I found it has an odd precision considering the game. Who the hell buys this stuff?

I'm going to agree with a lot of commentors here. There is no way I am buying a device or game that requires me to stand in the middle of my living room and wave my arms around like a tool.

@Jethos: I literally laughed out loud at this comment. You're too cool for school, Jethos.

I didn't play the original Starcraft either. I would call Fahey's battle plan masterful compared to how I would do. I am complete fail at RTS games. I am an RPG die hard. I do not grok Starcraft.

@legendnthemaking: Hey that's Leeloo you're talking about there! She's cool. Leeloo Dallas mooooltipass.

@Synthos: "The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp." — Terry Pratchett

I say that 50 ComiCon attendees should take an hour out of their schedule and stand 25 feet from these idiots and blow on vuvuzelas as hard as they can. Don't stop blowing until the entire "congregation" is bleeding from the ears.

@Chester Coat Sleaves:Promotes Deans Comments!: I am so old that I remember watching this on TV every week. Most people back then did not have cable TV. We had something like four snowy channels from our antenna. We kids were the remote control for the TV. My brother had a slight speech impediment when he was four

@Chanaluss: I agree with you completely. We should give these folks a break. That's hard work and they're having fun. It's not my thing, but more power to them, I say.

@QBasicGorilla: No edit button... should have been "too quickly"

@jwcivicdx: That's very true. I agree with you completely, but being a business person I look at it differently. Deferring profit opportunities by programming in perpetuity negatively impacts profitability over time. The money for GT5 should have already rolling in for this product.

I don't understand the crazy development schedule for this game. I am a software developer and I can work on a project forever if the customer doesn't have a delivery date. Software is never finished. There are always three more tweaks that you want to do. At some point (about twelve months ago) you've got to put