
Man the anime industry must be struggling since the only two shows out are Fate/Grand Order and My Hero Academia~~

Ruby Rhod wins in my book, we don’t nearly get as much 5th element cosplay. The rest was your pretty standard cosplay characters you see at cons though these were great quality.

I don’t normally watch Twitch, but isn’t there usually a button you as a viewer can press that exits out of the stream if you find that you no longer want to watch the content? My internet browser (Firefox) even has a ‘close tab’ button so you don’t have to exit out of your other windows. Crazy how easy that is.

It is completely different from going to the bathroom, you chud. Or did you completely missed that part?

Answer: Yes.

Yeticon...more like The Monster Hunter Cosplay Event Feat. A Handful of Cosplayers Doing Other Characters Besides Those Found in Monster Hunter.

Snakeybus is a game where you drive a bus that grows longer and longer as you pick up passengers. As in life, your only true enemy is yourself—your unpredictable backside, specifically. So it’s like classic game Snake, but in a big city where you’ve got to drop off passengers ala Crazy Taxi. It’ll be out sometime this

Alright, I’m going to do my best to wade into a particularly tricky subject here without offending anyone. Wish me luck...

And here I was worried this sort of thing was subjective, and that I liked some of them. Thanks for setting me straight bud.

Yup.  First thing that came to mind here was Bob in his Alero drifting into the “max speed lane” doing 57mph, not realizing how quickly the Lambo in the distance was gaining on him.  That’d be one ugly crash. 

If this happens, they’ll need to introduce a massive re-education campaign. American drivers don’t have the same discipline (and courtesy) that German drivers do.

Okay, but like...Pharah and Anna don’t count? Is it because they are Egyptian, not African-American “black”? By all means, I’m all for more black folk in the game, but this does bug me a bit.

That technique just sort of skips the middleman where I put it into the engine before it leaks all over the place. Probably prevents rust too.

I will have to give it some thought.

None of what you just wrote makes any sense.