Pvt. Jackass

To be fair it never convinced me that it was awesome.

Ah, rest assured that there will be no more beyond that one comment.

You do, apparently.

Still the best Snow Queen.

Made by Rocket Jump aka FreddieW and friends.

Not really.

Eh, I've seen worse.

I'd reckon it's partially because they don't plaster NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLING SERIES on every single book cover.

This baby ples.

"PRO: You have to pay attention to every move.

I wonder what'll happen when the promo's over...

Well I played the games first, I suppose there's that.

I know why it must flow, I've read all the books by Frank Herbert and a couple by Brian. Also played Dune 2000, Emperor: Battle for Dune, and watched both Sci-Fi channel mini-series.

I loved the Dune games. From what I understand Lynch did a massive change to the properties of Melange of which I despise.

Yes it is.

The best part is that you rodeo one of those suckers in the middle of a battle and they're too busy to bother with you, then you down their titan and shoot them down while you're both in the air.

Just so I can be avenged in case I get killed.

Makes sense that they'd want it to be a classic by 2099...