Pvt. Jackass

I'm not even mad, that takes some proper planing and engineering to get that vulva purse from concept drawings into an actual product.

Ahh the Not-So Superb Lyrebird truly was one of natures most horrifying creations. Let me assure you dear reader that the extinction of this terrible menace came at great cost, to this day there are still those that suffer from afflictions brought about by this heinous beast.

Oh great, another geometric white blocky male lead character.

It's Patricia, everything is controversial.

Do the rays emitting from your white armor blind you?

More like Code Chodes!

Actually 'Code Hunks' would be the accurate equal opportunity answer.

Dammit, I had something for this.

Injecting your own idea of character into a character with no...... character. Other M was the first game in which she even had character. The narrative in Fusion didn't really exude character as much as it barely touched on it, while mostly using itself to narrate the game to add depth to the linearity. Anything

I think this situation would play out more like this.


It's not about stats. Campaign is no different than classic mode really, it's a multiplayer match. An attrition match is an attrition match. The point of the game is to try to win. You have a lot less chance of winning if one of your team members is doing absolutely nothing, or worse, doing nothing and dying over and

I've heard Battlefield 4 has gotten better.

Is that a problem?

Earlier today I found out there are pink guns sooooo...

By "better" guns, you mean to say "more automatic" and "noob-friendly".