Pvt. Jackass

Pretty much, and less eagle, maybe add scimitars , yadda yadda.

You know what would make it better?
That she wears middle eastern colors.
That's right, considering that she's supposed to dress in a fashion that somehow honors the host country, a hijab just wouldn't cut it if it follows the original story of her being an envoy to the States. (Unless of course you're suggesting

Oh gods I can hear the bones cracking.

Y hullo thar

Cross over with movie Transformers?

Obligatory Nipples the Enchilada

Hmm.... I wonder if they allow "Gay" or "homosexual" tags on games like Mass Effect (2) though...

"severe stomach pains and dizziness"

Y hullo thar

Only if Virgin Mary crucify Jesus.

Looks familiar...

Hell yes Franken Fran.


Nothing says HIT ME better than a bright red ribbon that reduces your line of sight...

Really fast.
I remember my first time watching such a video... I got bored within the first minute. This one is no exception.

I think in one of the trailers the top guys mentioned that they want him to look more "tactical".

Let the espionage accusations fly.