Pvt. Jackass

Might want to put an NSFW tag on that one.

Queer = Weird/Unusual/Strange

But believing that they've been doing this before the Sim City is too much to ask apparently.


Looks pretty much like my ex-housemate's room. Probably smells like it too.

This is still the best.

How the Hell does an Argonian wear a human head shaped helmet...


For a second there (right after seeing the first image) I thought the psychics in Starcraft can cast Magic Missile.

Yeah it's on the posters.

Hey, they just gotta insert Cortana in there somewhere, and just being Cortana's creator and base model just isn't enough apparently.

"who owns a blacklight?"

Language and culture are two very different things in this sense. The whole exchange is a few simple gestures that if you make a conscious effort, get used to very quickly. A (first) language is something that you have practically hammered into your brain and it's pretty much stuck there. It generally takes a lot of

Chances are if Americans have a very specific way of exchanging business cards, they will learn it, and practice it when they deal with Americans. Same thing with other cultures, yadda yadda.

Which explains why you like to piss on other people's parties...

liek totes adorbs rite?

I didn't know 10 hipster points would automatically mean you're a hipster.

More like +10 hispter status and -10 speechcraft.

You must be fun at parties.