Pvt. Jackass

Still has more space. And a bigger bed/mat.


Maybe they discounted it beforehand? I was able to grab it with a 25% discount instead of cashback (which is pretty much the same, honestly) a few hours after they announced the thing.

You know what's worse? Sites like GreenmanGaming telling you that they're giving 2 free games with your Bioshock Infinite purchase plus a 25% discount and idiots like me get manipulated into rushing and and grabbing it. Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd imagine that most people don't do routine blood test until well into their 40's. And they appeared sometime after Amada's death, so I'd say they started popping out around 3 decades before the events of the game. Aging can be simulated, lowering energy out put and such.

They did say that, but then again it's rather vague since it doesn't go into the details much.

Did they say anywhere that the stuff they slap on the Hollow Children are organic though?

I don't see how the word loses any "real" meaning when it already means "a person whose physiological functioning is aided by or dependent upon a mechanical or electronic device."

Yes it does.

Boondocks? Hell no, we saw what happened to Family Guy and other comedies based cartoons.

"Man, so many errors in this list. Barret, Olga Gurlukovich, and the Soul Calibur versions of Yoshimitsu are not cyborgs. Barret and Soul Calibur Yoshimitsu simply have prosthetic hands (Kickass gun hand in Barret's case and a wooden hand in Yoshimitsu's case)."


Watching this guy play the entire damn thing, he's fighting the final boss I believe.

But my mouse is so comfy!

Thompson's Thumper: It's always the fucking vidya gaemz.

Honestly, L.A. Noire sums up that attitude pretty well.

virusdetected and dontusemywifi