Pvt. Jackass

It's quite legal to make back-ups of game that you own and play using said back-ups.

Since he didn't mention it clear enough let me fix that.

Well whether it's illegal or not (for the record, some people only play the games they own using the emulator...) is irrelevant. The point is that it can.

Because mustard is awesome.

Only if you post photos of it.

I watched a huge Alien fan play the damn thing live.

As much as I like Asura, these guys ain't got shit on the Cho Aniki guys.

Time to get crackin'.

Yeah, there's a lot more of them, and quite a few encounters.

Fucking Hell.

Well, last I heard having good taste or a well-designed room usually automatically adds minor sexy points.

Because they know it's pointless and it will just keep getting reposted?

Last of Us ranking higher than Disgaea?

Honestly this is as dumb as I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.

Are they actually calling it sin tax?

Here, put "中国" into Google Translate.

Needs more Oldbag.

Prepare for incoming internet shitstorm.

Well it doesn't guarantee accuracy, but it does help.

Wait, you need to craft shit?