
Oh good! Someone bit! So you must agree then the loss isn’t due to conservation hunting which if applied and managed wihout corruption would INCREASE the population. So you DO agree that the loss is due to ...

That’s what happen when the two of you are drunk with firearms. Totally normal.

You should have just printed this NYTIMES article and handed it to them. Except for the Young Republican cause they know that the NYTIMES is LIBRUhL!!

How did fucking with mother nature bring about HIV?

Yep, net neutrality was supposed to prevent providers from putting toll roads in their section of the tubes.. Good thing Comcast worked with the FCC to write the regulation! Thanks Obama!

It’s called discovery and yes, that information if requested would have to be provided.

You are a special kind of stupid aren’t you? What do we need to “talk about”. Islamist terrorism is a real and present danger or have you been living under a rock for the last decade. This “child” was found guilty of providing material support to a terrorist organization which has beheaded journalists, executed

The feeling you are describing is normal for a beta male. Your vagina will loosen up in time.

Out of all the pussy in this thread I spot yours, Robert.

If asteroids never existed the world would have more dinosaurs. Thank you again Gizmodo for posting crap science fiction masquerading as real science.

Allow me to clarify your ignorance of the greatest constitution in the world. If you are a typical Tl;dr attention deficit disordered millennial I’ll summarize. The general welfare clause is not an individual clause.

Making poor people healthy is government’s job now?

I’m willing to go out on a limb and say with 100% certainty this scenario is more likely to wipe out our way of life than a .01 increase in temperature from climate change over the next century has.

China, Russia.. you know, the usual suspects with the best interests of freedom of information at heart.

It's called work, you self entitled millennial bitches.

Just another attack by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy...

Something something Great Firewall... no real freedom... government approved browser...

No. They are putting the pieces in place for future invasions of Legion worlds. The tomb of Sargeras functions as a portal to allow the burning legion from everywhere to invade. At some point (WoW2?) that will have to be addressed.