
Yes, you can enjoy it. Think of a buffet restaurant which is popular but you’ve never been to. You go there, and are overwhelmed by all the choices of food so you start with something simple, say a level 1 mean, and slowly enjoy everything the place has to offer. OR you immediately get the full course meal, skip all

You are going to hell for that remark. Or hades. Or where the goofy cartoon gods the Hindus worship send atheists.

Sorry, this article doesn't take into account god starting the chain reaction/electrical charge.

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams.

BREAKING NEWS: Countries spy on one another. Millennials in shock. News at 11.

You have no proof he was lying. His guide knew however.

I don’t think he did.

As you behind your pc in your basement having an existential moment I’m reminded of a quote. ““Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is. I mean you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”

Ding dong, you know that Sploid, Gizmodo and the rest of this liberal crap these sites spew are part of the Gawker empire soon to be the Hulk Hogan Web Media sites right?

I used my selfie stick to scroll to the end of the banal post. I hope when Hulk Hogan takes over Gawker media he hires some real talent.

Nerf footballs aren’t OP unless you throw one at a 1 year old toddler learning to walk. Death Knights ruin the game for dedicated healers, breaking the holy trinity of MMOs (tank, dps, healz). Also on my nerf list:

There should be cooldown or a limit to the number of barrels.