
... and who owns and operates these ships now? The Draenei... Complaining about magic ships traveling through space is probably the stupidest thing I have read today.

Of course rude behavior doesnt disgust you because your a fucking douche nozzle...Biggest cunt at Giz and dude, that’s saying something.

Burying the lead, I see. The real news is that they’re still somehow playing No Man’s Sky.


Against the will of the people...complain about real things. There are enough real problems without wasting time whining about a free election. ya those superior, self sufficient states that are ranked 44th (Ca), 42nd (NY), 30th (Oregon), 43Rd (Maine) in fiscal solvency among us states...

This notion that a place like Oregon (4 out of 10 voters went Trump) is so much more enlightened than some “backwater” place like Ohio (5 of 10 for Trump) is silly and not to be taken seriously.

Hopefully someone does take it into his own hands.

When a powerful U.S. Senator is delivering copies of Pizzagate conspiracy theory manifestos to the director of the FBI, this equivalence will become valid.

Sorry for my confusion. How on earth did the US even function before 1999 without this administration?


I voted for Trump. What do you want us to say, “grow up and stop your crying?” I didn’t think so, so as we have for the year leading up to the election we’ll probably remain silent and just laugh to ourselves at your meltdowns.

Bruh, that sounds like real life. Go harvest resources (job) and come back to your base (your apartment) and give all the shit you earned to a NPC (wife and kids) and then repeat until you DIE.

The writers at the Gawker sites think war is a concept that George W. Bush started. Don’t bother.

Art Carney died in 2003 in CT. I think you mean Harry Randall Truman. He’s the one who refused to leave his lodge on Spirit Lake.

Go home you’re drunk.

I recommend taking off your mittens before typing next time, my Canadian friend.

Either your keyboard is broken or you’re hella drunk.