
We do have all the comforts of civilization. It's easy to take it for granted sometimes. For example, sidewalks. Every time I'm out in the country I'm amazed by the lack of sidewalks. How do you people keep from getting mud on your shoes when you walk to the grocery store?

Over priced nonsense. An HD antenna can get the big three, and if you really want ESPN/FX find a friend who has basic cable package with those stations and get them to create a login account for you.

I get dumb when I'm hungry. Now quit your whining and bring me my cheeseburger order.

And yet you found time, and cared enough, to post about it.

And you never will be with that commie attitude. Now go get me my caramel mocha latte.

Why did you ruin the truth by applying poe's law?

That's the best kind of rape, the kind they don't remember. Well played mi amigo, well played.

Don't panic.

Are you claiming you've never persuaded a woman to have sex with you because persuasion is form of non-consent. Either you are a liar or virgin..

Silly person, you just want to argue for argument's sake. Good point! Historians are concerned with history! There would have been no historical record of Thera recognizable to the bronze age Greeks so it would be easy to conclude that the great explosion was in the collective memory of those who lived after it.


It's funny you say that because contemporary historians theorize that Plato was referring to a millennial old legend of a lost island as Thera and romanticized it and gave a name which had probably been forgotten. The explosion set the Mediterranean culture back to the stone age.

True. Islands don't just sink. They blow up. And real good. And a good artist writer could use a descriptive term such as "sink" due to the fact that Ancient Greek didn't have a phrase for "blew up real good yall"!

Who the hell are the dumbasses who wear headphones while hiking in the wild. It would be better for the human race if a mountain lion or bear attacked and removed them from the gene pool.

Typical alpha-male sexist response. How many women have you gotten drunk so you could have non-consensual sex with.

I assume this will benefit their partnership with the NSA.

I'm just pointing out that statistically "literally nobody enjoys rape" is factually incorrect. Jezebel even had blog post explaining how all men are potential rapists and have committed at least three acts of sexual assault without even realizing it.

You can't say "literally nobody is ok with rape" when tens of thousands of rapecrimes occur in the US alone each year (not even going to try to guess how many worldwide). Obviously tens of thousands are ok with rape and enjoy it.

What's the difference between an onion and a prostitute?