Istanbul was Constantinople. Now it's Istanbul not Constantinople. Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks.
Istanbul was Constantinople. Now it's Istanbul not Constantinople. Why did Constantinople get the works? That's nobody's business but the Turks.
3 and 6 would be number 1 and 2 on my list. The Postal Add On takes care of number 10.
One big difference. Carter was a nookular engineer and served in the military, Obama was the beneficiary of affirmative action programs and was a rabble rouser who coached project dwellers how to get free stuff from the government.
Why, for that real world sci-fi feel I'd have to say the only choice is the carbine favored by the Colonial Space Marines in Battlestar Gallactica (the reboot). I'm talking about the Beretta CX4 Storm.
AS THE ARTICLE NOTES "As a basic security measure, Apple doesn't allow setup of two-step verification to proceed if significant changes were recently made to your Apple ID account information. Significant changes can include a password reset or new security questions. This waiting period helps Apple make sure that you…
The comments here. Priceless. Future robots will study it in order to better understand why we were exterminated.
Hey remember when an Apple executive lost his job because of Apple maps suckage? Who, if anyone, resigned over the crap app Google maps was when it was first released?
Can I send you a friend request?
I'm just here to read the judgemental comments. She isn't harming me with her actions so I say mod away!
Check out Dan Slott and Mike Allred's current run on of the Silver Surfer.
I unliked so I could like your reply again.
I can't get enough Hickman. I've read quite a few nerdrage complaints about his current run on Avengers/New Avengers, mainly focusing around the fact that his story arc is so long. I happen to like long story arcs because the payout at the end is nothing less than epic, (Hickman's finale on FF still gives me chills…
Oh you're back with an update. I was getting worried you wouldn't show up.
Isn't Canada debating doing away with the Canadian model?
How is the assimilation of your Arab Muslim immigrants into your Nordic culture coming along?
+1 troll. I unliked your reply just so I could like it again!
There's always that one person in every group who ruins it for everyone.
I'm not a doctor which is why I commented to seek out one but taping, filing or otherwise obfuscating brand names (seeking symmetry and order) could be a sign, an early one, of OCD.
No. I'll simplify this discussion for you. I see behavior which compels a person to tape over brand names or file or otherwise destroy them. That possibly could described as an untreated OCD which could be affecting quality of life. I offered advice to seek professional help to make that diagnosis.