
Why would a common mental health disorder be a joke. GAD affects a large percentage of the population. Going around your house and filing off branding or taping it over is not normal behavior that any reasonable person would do. It is however a common symptom of OCD.


Seek professional help. You probably suffer from General anxiety disorder one of the symptoms being OCD. Easily treatable if mild. Cognitive behavior therapy combined with an anti depressant such as Lexipro can relieve you of those disruptive urges.

VagEnthusiast, you and I should go hang out in the Jezebel forums and strike up a conversation.

I had a better one which really would have made your classic response/off color tag list.

Brett Ratner wants to talk to you.

Really? Had the opposite effect on me. Fapfapfapfapfap.....

Can you give my mom a call and walk her through setting hat up?

Hilter is a fixed point in time. Spoilers...

No. Just you.

As a smarter person than me pointed out, Wright is no Kubrick or Coppola and the his movies are average cult movies which appeal to a minority. Wright could have, should have, put aside his ego and went along with Feige's vision, the world could have been his oyster. Wright is finished.

Why does a small vocal minority think Edgar Wright is such abig deal. He made a b-list zombie parody/comedy? James Gunn has more Indy street credit than Wright.

Where can I place this in my house to avoid radiating my brain?

He 90%.

Why would wold the Brian brothers pour so much money into the Obama campaign only to have him turn around and reduce the power of their company (Comcast).

Do you truly believe the era of nuclear destruction is over? The Soviets still have the largest nuclear force on the planet, and third world nations are building nuke technology and the multi stage rockets to launch them.

Cut him some slack. By his own admission he is a gay man working on a doctorate in psychology specializing in social construction who posts under a pseudonym on a Kinja site and uses colloquialisms like "dude". Obviously we are not appreciating the gift of his intellect he is bestowing on us.

oh man the Slave Leia and the Ewok photo... Jizz in my pants.

Oh thank you. After reading this thread I need something to take the..edge off and those pics will do nicely.