
Is it possible her trust fund is protected? Please please please let this guy get none of her money. But at the same time, he grew up in the same house with the same terrible influences. How is he supposed to know better?

The tactic I developed around age 12 was just to say "yes mom," "okay mom," to everything, and then only do the things I wanted to do.

Or a standing ovulation?

I did the same thing. I realize now it was because I enjoy my freedom and independence. I was always half heartedly dating someone, but the relationship was clearly going no where.

My first relationship (in high school) lasted four years, and since then the handful of boyfriends I've had have all lasted a matter of months. (Like, half a year at most.) I think for me it's a combo of being scared of commitment - so I either cut and run or pick guys who are unavailable in some fundamental way - and

I think chemistry can develop, especially if everything else about him is great. Also I think that stomach-dropping lust fades pretty quickly to something a lot more comfortable for most people. It's definitely fun while it lasts, but I don't know if it's essential for happiness since it seems pretty ephemeral to me

She is 91 years old and retired from the LAPD. She married three cops four times (the last guy twice because she "hadn't learned her lesson the first time around," she likes to say). She was a total slut and a raging alcoholic. She adopted me when I was three because my parents were into drugs and we've never looked

My husband said that he would turn me into a diamond, set it in a ring, and give it to his new wife.

That's totally us. If it weren't for my husband, I would be living in an ultra expensive rental with a leased luxury car and a bazillion dollars worth of shoes and clothes to take on my ridiculous vacations. If it weren't for me, my husband would be living in his parents' basement eating chicken from a can and

Most of our costs are fixed, my husband does not buy coffee at work, he drinks it at home. He brings his lunch every day. I have a set grocery budget. I am a SAHM now, but the first year and a half we were on the plan, we accounted for everything. It's not that overwhelming once you get started. We printed out

Well it started because they are tax-free savings accounts and in this country those have to be under one name for tax purposes. But as a SAHM who is taking 1-2 decades off of work - you betcha I have a large savings account for me. It's ours. It's really for retirement. But I watched my mum go through divorce and

Yuck. You actually received money to take the ring? I wrote a beautiful song about stars, on my lentil ukulele of course, and sang it softly as the artisan lentil jeweler a gently handcrafted my ring. They then placed the ring on a bed of moss and gently floated the ring down a fresh, spring-fed brook, where my fiancé

That's my feeling on it too. My fiancé bought me a car- which I sometimes refer to as my engagement car.

Somewhere on the Lush North America forum, there is a massive thread filled with women saying they'd never marry a man who spent less than $10k on an engagement ring, because they need to know he appreciates their true worth. I asked how they'd be showing their appreciation of his worth. Didn't go down too well.

My ring is made out of organically-grown, free-range lentils and the artisans who made it actually paid me to take it off their hands.

That Marchesa is beauuuuutiful. I almost want to get married just for the dress. HA! jk, i know it's a colossal project and super annoying.

I went to David's Bridal, but only to try on various silhouttes. I wasn't really sure what gown would look best on me. After finding the right shape (ballgown. who knew?), I then went online to find something a bit more affordable. It kind of freaked me out to order anything from China. One of my friends who had just

I got stuck sitting with a bunch of people I didn't know that well when my husband was a groomsman in one of his childhood best friends' wedding. In another situation, I had to get a ride (FOR TWO HOURS) with people I didn't know that well when my husband was in a wedding that included transporting the wedding party

I understand the desire to stay close to a friend in that situation to support them, but I feel deeply that it is a bad idea to stand up at a wedding one does not approve of. Take, for instance, the story of my Dear Boyfriend and his Best Friend.

Is it ever appropriate to quit a wedding party or turn it down for reasons other than financial? This is a serious question. Can't I just say "I'm sorry, I was in your last wedding. I'll sit this one out. Maybe next time"?