
They're in the cookie aisle here! Haha :)

I didn't have any of those symptoms. It's not a given you'll feel that way.I think some of it is psychosomatic - you have an image in your mind of how pregnancy is supposed to be so when you get pregnant you think of course I must crave pickles or get overly emotional. Obviously swollen limbs, vomiting etc aren't

This totally could have been me, if I didn't have good health insurance and wasn't totally paranoid about my health, googling symptoms and assuming the worst. I only went in to see the doctor because I was sure I had IBS, like one of my good friends. Or perhaps an ulcer. A friend had been hospitalized for one and said

We're that laid-back guy in high school, all super chill, share our grass, talk you down when you're freaking out about some girl. BUT we're really anal about our car and will make you take your shoes off before you get in. Coffee is that car.

I cannot agree with that last sentence. Nothing tastes better in Melbourne.

It's best not to engage us on the topic, we immediately become insufferable, like that aunt who just wants you to find Jesus.

I'll go a step further and say a dark choc TimTam and a Mint Slice.


There's been a lot of Aussie-bashing around here lately. I blame Iggy Azalea.

No Australian has EVER used the term "microfoam"

Now you listen here young man. The flat white is INTEGRAL to the Australian experience. I am personally OFFENDED at your characterisation of this NATIONAL ICON and I hereby declare you UNAUSTRALIAN.

I'll actually be celebrating a one year anniversary of my big day of quit on the 13th of this month....it wasn't a job I quit though. I was in a very toxic and emotionally abusive marriage for 19 years, which fueled my hereditary alcoholism....making me pretty damn miserable to the point of going to sleep at night

I quit a cult and half my family when I was 16. I grew up in the cult. Think Jehovah's Witness, but a bit weirder. I went to this fundamentalist church's private school where I got straight As but was mostly disliked by the other students for being a goody-two shoes. I studied the Bible all the time, was not allowed

I have so many stories about quitting, because I was a huge goddamn loser for half my life.

For me, it was three weeks ago when I said fuck it, I need a positive change in my life. My mental health was damaged, and people were dragging me down.

I have too many awesome quitting stories to even start recounting them. I will say that there is NO better feeling than telling assholes to take this job and shove it... until about 48 hrs later when you realize you have no job and the business is still running like you were never there.

I think she loved the idea of her child, and who she thought her child should be, but not the reality of who she was. It's sadly common, not just parent to kid but in all sorts of relationships. I refuse to write most people off as evil, though there are of course exceptions. I try to understand people, even the worst

"Drove her to suicide"? No. I'm sure they were convinced they meant well, that they were helping her. They weren't, obviously, but those parents lost their kid and I think it's terrible and feel very sorry for them. Knowing they are partly responsible for her death must feel like absolute hell (hence the denial, very

One's religion often encompasses one's friends and family, social life, children's schooling, etc. I can see why it would be stressful on someone to give all that up and perhaps be shunned by all he/she knows.

Let me be super clear about this: I think everyone should be allow to love whomever they want and be a religious person. I don't think that religious sect of any kind should discriminate against gay people. With that being said, I understand how and why a person might decide they want to live within their communities