
I went to my grandmother’s funeral for two reasons:

I think as of right now, the primary issue here is the fact that the police and media did not use the proper pronouns or name for her. Having her identity erased by them when she is unable to speak up for herself any longer is something that happens all too often to trans people that haven’t been able to legally

I’m married with two kids. I have several close male friends that live in different parts of the world. One of my best friends invited me to visit him in Chicago, mostly because he is new to the city and a bit lonely. My husband had no problem with this whatsoever because we trust each other. My parents found out and

I have more, once when I was like 13/14 I was flat chested (unheard of in my family). I used to button my shirts all the way up, because what was the point, yeah?

This one wins my heart for some obscure, morbid reason. Maybe because my life is just a whole string of “it’s not what it looks like!” but rarely so well timed.

Very devious, though.

I must forewarn – this story is kinda grim.

When I was 3 years old, I accidentally murdered my pet goldfish. My mom came into the living room after having one of those “it’s been too quiet for too long” realizations, and found that both I and the goldfish we had procured that morning were missing. She found me a few minutes later, giving the goldfish a tour of

Well thank you! And sure, we don’t have waffles, but we do have jaffles, so at worst, I think we’re even.

I am a counselor and have studied depression pretty extensively, and there is a link between high intelligence and depression, as well as creativity and depression. Can we say why? No. But I just wanted to throw out that there is a link.

Of course its not going to help your depression to compare yourself to anyone else. That’s a huge part of the problem right there. I was merely taking issue with your statement that “people who are more intelligent are able to perceive that the world is a generally awful place”.

In fact, having a high IQ often shelters one from the awfulness of the world. It’s a privilege.

“They are also more sensitive, so they experience greater pain than others, I’m sure.”

She’s right, it’s HARD.

Insane? Maybe - but probably better at building savings than most.

Oh god, I’m so sorry you went through that. There is so much pressure to breastfeed that when it doesn’t work for some women, they torture themselves out of pure guilt. And it’s not their (or your) fault. I’m glad you’ve resolved to do things differently.

I fuckin’ hate mosquitoes, and I would love to see them eradicated. Fleas, too. Fuck fleas. But then a part of me thinks that they are probably around for a reason and eradicating them might cause unforeseen consequences to the ecosystem. Ultimately every thing has a place, even if they are horrible things, right? I

My aunt Bonnie’s second wedding was a small affair in Lake Tahoe. Her cake was from a chain grocery store, which, since it was located Tahoe, did regular wedding cake business and had a pretty large bakery section. My aunt’s fiancé, Steve, picked up the cake the morning of the wedding and came back to the cabin we

you need bingo cards for that. “sauce missing” “wrong sauce” “wrong entree” “forgot drinks” “missing side dish”

A few years ago some dear friends were getting married and I was their graphic designer - it was so much fun (really!) getting to do that, and they were super into having everything be branded for the wedding. We had strict graphic standards for the event.