
Oh, I figured out sometime around senior year that if I go to a mall and walk around the mall, it's usually enough to at least float me through. You know, because a sales person will at least try to talk to me, and I'll pretend to be interested, and maybe even buy a scarf or something out of guilt, and there are

Hi Jonathan,

I'm at the opposite end of that. I'm the brother with schizophrenia. And it's pretty much a daily routine for me to think about that escape route. I cope with it by making it an albeit somewhat macabre comeback in my head; "Don't have enough change for the parking meter? Well, I could just kill myself...". It helps me

How is the cardiologist seasoned?

Except the narrator of the story clearly mentioned that he and his mates were Australian, so you and your bread are safe. We here Down Under, on the other hand, don't have a Red Lobster to rely upon. (We do have lots of creatures that kill you dead instantly though, so maybe that will be deterrent enough?)

There's nothing wrong with wanting a big ass fun party with the people you love, boo. Do you. Do me this one favor: have bomb ass food. <3

"Murder" specifically refers to the killing of a human being. Animals may be "slaughtered," "killed," "exterminated," "euthanized," etc depending on the situation.

Hands up: who skipped the video and went right to the comments?

My restaurant is called "Gastrobsolete". We don't use "menus", our servers determine what you'll be eating based on your style and aura. All beverages are served in old mason jars and our silverware and china are all from scavenged sunken ships. Our dessert tray features 27 varieties of discontinued novelty breakfast

I'm going to ask you to pump the breaks for a second. The " you're a immoral shitty human" attitude is one that drives pregnant women with drug problems away from doctors and seeking help further causing more damage. We need to change that idea so that women feel that they are able to have open dialogue with their

Sexy time in the bed? Gross, I eat there!

I wonder if in some sort of messed up twisted way, posting that meme was a defensive mechanism in case anyone suspected she was receiving assistance. I know that doesn't make sense - why spread hatred about your own life? On the other hand I've seen people do this out of shame or to deflect any speculation.

Why wouldn't your own place be safe? When I was single and meeting guys at dance clubs, I rarely went back to his place and felt much more comfortable at mine. I know the layout, the exits, etc. One thing that always helped me was that I never, ever drank alcohol while I was out because 1) I don't like alcohol and

I don't fully understand the Jezebel community's aversion to teaching women how to protect themselves. Yes, in a perfect world we wouldn't HAVE to, and I don't think we should ever stop fighting to achieve that kind of a world. However to take precautions in the meantime is just common sense. Telling a woman how to

Kara/Jezebel, can we please have a feature on safe hookups/dating?

Do you like the outside of a grilled cheese sandwich? Then you like fried bread. Fried bread is awesome.

Here's the thing: not everyone grows up in an environment where food knowledge is even a thing. Many people are just happy to get whatever their next meal is and to call them stupid when they don't know how to function as expected when exposed to your more privileged food culture is not cool.

It's more like making pancakes...the first one is always a little messed up.

Raising children isn't rocket surgery.

It's so funny to me that people see science as some static category. These things are science, these things are not. Science is an approach to validating "truths" about our lived reality. If science cannot explain something that is an extant truth—even if only for one individual— it is a failure of our tools, not a