
I feel perfectly okay criticizing female genital mutilation, regardless of which culture happens to practice it.

I would love to see more articles like this on Jezebel. Thank you.

There's always an issue when straight women start thinking, "Ugh, I'm fed up with men, so I'll try women" and pursue a same-sex relationship on that premise, and let me assure you, it fucking suckswhen my identity as a woman is invalidated based on the idea, "Well, I'm notquiteready to try women yet, but you're sorta

Who are the heartless?

I hope the mother gets some help now, but even more so I hope the little girl is well looked after and happy. Thanks for the update, Rebecca.

100% with you on the baked beans. Other beans that can fuck right off: kidney beans, butter beans, lima beans.

HP Sauce is your dear friend if you consume black and white puddings. That, and at least two pints of Guinness.

The only reason I haven't done Fried Green Tomatoes is that they're too easy. They, like all tomatoes, are fucking disgusting, though.

In the breastfeeding class I teach, I tend to use the study that said mothers who want to breastfeed but can't (for whatever reason), that those babies did just as well as babies who were BF. Thinking about that study, then this one makes sense. In a way that I can't quite articulate because my baby woke up too damn

Listen, I have gas all over my hands right now, so I don't want to type out a long post but....

Tomato-based anything + seafood can die in steam fire. DOES NOT WORK.

Oh yeah?! Yeah?!

I never liked steak growing up. My mother always cooked it til it was well past done. My first year in college we had steak night in the dorms. When they asked me how I wanted my done, I didn't know and just said medium. There was red inside - not much, but some, and I liked it. So the next time I said medium rare -

Are you kidding me? I don't even know where to start with you. First of all, she wrote an obituary, which needed to be written in the present. Also, if you think all of this crap doesn't affect someone's present then you certainly have not had to deal with any of this, or, you're in complete denial.

I have PCOS, and the different side effects are something I wrestle with daily. Truthfully, nothing else in my life brings me more shame or makes me more self-conscious. I'm working on that & I'll get there, but in the meantime, reading this makes me feel less alone. Harnaam Kaur is my hero.

I shall not fear gravity....

As I walk through the shadow of the valley of breast

Everyone knows any GOOD wine comes with a spigot in the side of the box.

I think you're not as liberal as you think.

I agree. I think of it a bit like handing condoms out to teens. Which maybe isn't a perfect comparison, but the larger point is that both fall into the "If you're going to do it, at least reduce the risks as much as possible" category.