
That is a dope shift knob in the top pic.

And usually does; attempted murder, attempted vehicular homicide, attempted vehicular assault, depending on the local laws.

After the guy seemed pretty intent on running you over, I would have stopped and taken my chances of fighting this guy rather than risk becoming a pancake.

Nope... however, I don’t think it makes the cut for the reasons to try to run someone over?

I don’t believe so. Near as I know, only California specifically permits it.

See this is the thing I dont get. He wasnt even going that fast. On that bike there is literally no possible,plausible way that car should have ever been able to catch up to him.

If you are not happy with another motorists behaviors, use the horn and your middle finger as much as you want, but then let it go.

I’m trying to put myself in the rider’s shoes. Look at how as soon as the bike gave the car the smallest room, the car either went up beside him (one wrong move and you’re dead) or swerved in front of him and lambasted his ABS (dead as well). If that was me, I wouldn’t assume he’s not going to rear end me, and keep

A) What did he do to piss car dude off?

“how it all started… I just came to a complete stop lane split and position my bike in front of him… and I guess he didn’t like that and tried to hit me with his car, so I got mad and smacked his mirror (no damages) and I dip, and that’s where the chase started ”

Or you know.... Don't run into shit. I've been in sub 2,500 pound cars for 10+ years, and I'm still alive. Enjoy your 2 ton safety bubble that wallows around though. I'm sure it gives you peace of mind.

Ok, maybe..... but $47,800 buys you one of these:

Stopped reading at “weight does not matter.”

Having been raised in the New Orleans, I can tell you for a certainty, every fire department in the city should have one of these for urban flood rescue.

That depends on your state, we can get plates for some crazy things in the backwoods of NH. The trick is getting it into the country.

How’s the structural integrity of the roof? Because with those wheels, that climbing ability, and my propensity to do stupid shit, it’s a very real factor

Definitely not necessary. Cops have radios for a reason. I think the cop was just butthurt that his Camaro was getting smoked by the crotch rocket. A simple radio call to another unit ahead of the road to (unphysically) intercept the biker.

I’m surprised no o e has commented on how many time the cop crossed the double yellow himself, even when he wasn’t passing another car. They guy would cross into the other lane for every other turn, which is much, much worse than what the dude was doing on his bike.

I have respect for law enforcement, but what happened here does not paint cops in a good light.