I say let the guy pay for his own hobby as I have mine.
I say let the guy pay for his own hobby as I have mine.
While that is super bad-ass I don't understand a kickstarter that has absolutely no benefit to the contributor. Even the potato salad kickstarter at least had the humour aspect. This is just some dude asking for money so he can contribute to his own "garage-ist" hobby.
If BF3/4 actually supported mods we would probably be playing something like this right now =(
I would love to play something based on this.
Wall of text.
Honestly? I think Microsoft gave up already... they simply can't understand and can't compete on the market. US is their main market, period. All the rest is probably secondary.
This is really, really, really shit. Bad move, Nintendo.
Seriously? They're making a new 3DS that can only play specific games, effectively fucking old 3DS owners? I hope this game is an exception and not a rule.
The guy was sitting in front of a computer with his hands up. They still barked orders at him, and said shit like "What about this is funny" in a confrontational way. They treated him like a criminal when he was actually the victim.
I suppose warning shots work for people that are not used to hear the sound of gunshots. Of course you hear them in movies and games all the time, but I'm sure it's way different when heard in real.
The problem is that they are lacking in actual, on-scene critical thinking skills. This is why SWAT uses these calls as an excuse to cause property damage in order to get their jollies on. It's disgusting, insulting and pathetic.
There still aren't enough ps4s in Japan to warrant going next gen only.
Also announced: The Yakuza Complete We Love the West After All HD Collection
Yakuza Zero chance of it coming to the west.
You and me both
I'ts about damn time space sims get the love they deserve. There's an arcade here in Portland called Ground Kontrol that has a Star Wars "sim" that looks like something out of the Virtual Boy that I've been feeding quarters to like crazy lately. I cannot WAIT till I can get my hands on some newer looking space…
Fun is completely subjective. If it's impressive for the time, ambitious, groundbreaking, and an important piece of gaming history, it sounds like it was a pretty great game. And a lot of us did find it fun.
So presumably the innocent people Israel maimed and killed were not a result of random bombardment or targeting error but cold calculation. Hitting one terrorist on a motorcycle is worth 100 'civilian' deaths and injuries (including women and children).
"So just by firing it at civilians, you show you don't really care where it lands."
Yeah, those protesters looked really armed. As in their arms were up. In the air. Empty-handed.
How is it objectively better than the 3DS? Specs wise it's better, but when that results in longer development cycles and more expensive software I would say that the console itself suffers greatly.