...For me to poop on.
...For me to poop on.
The #1 thing about Titanfall that makes no sense: people paid money to play it.
I'll only accept a video game of The Raccoons if Lisa Lougheed's 'Run With Us' is included somewhere prominent.
Sonic 3 & Knuckles was Sonic at his absolute prime for many reasons that are explained in the video I attached below (it's worth a watch). S3&K was worth every bit of hype it received. Seriously; after watching the article's video watch the one I linked below for some solid counterpoints.
This is the real question. Ren gets it.
I feel this was a needless comment made needlessly by a person who enjoys a form of entertainment needlessly; and spends needless amounts of time fighting the needs of the needless.
You know when it comes down to it, videogames are very unnecessary in the first place. So each persons line about how far you can analyse games is down to that person.
Warhawk 2.o. Great for 3 months. Then a worthless coaster.
I never jumped on the Titanfall hype train. I tried the beta after reading impressions here, but I just got the feeling the Kotaku staff saw something in the game I didn't or couldn't.
Looks like Destiny.
The YouTube clip is awesome, of course—just like the movies themselves were awesome. But the one thing that really stands out to me here is the length. It's barely 19 minutes long.
woah woah woah Greenpeace is not at PETA levels yet. PETA is straight up evil.
Lego's in a bit of a bind, I imagine.
So he's basically mastered YouTube's version of clickbait. No wonder people hate him.
At this point I would not mind playing them anywhere they may release, but if Sega thinks the 80+ million PS3 owners are not enough of a market for these games on the west, the Wii U has it even harder, if not nearly impossible.
Lol, Swat 4 > Any Rainbow Six, including the new one
What's next?
There are too many idiots in this world... One might think I'm talking about the people making these stupid games, but that couldn't be further from the truth. They aren't idiots at all, they are very smart people! They understand that idiots exist in this world, idiots that will buy a game about a goat, a rock, or…
Internet, what are you doing? Internet? STAHP!