
Quiet's usefullness ended the second any enemy put on a helmet.  It was D-dog all the way.  

This article and the reactions, solid evidence media literacy is dead

Very respectfully-I could not disagree with the following statement more:

this is the best post that has ever been on kotaku or ever will be on kotaku

Pokemon Go was a mistake. I really hope this fad dies soon. I’m getting tired of it clogging up all the websites I use.

While pretty great, that’s not even the best racing game from Sega, much less the “only Sega-made game that has ever mattered”.

For example taking 4+ years for a simple Adventure game. during this time: A canceled early Access disaster. Telling people they need more money and so on. Double fine is one of the worst “professional” developer/publisher in this industry. Yes they may make ok to good games but they have absolute no time and budget

Kickstarter-loving friend: I always give money to a game that I know will release, and I am guaranteed to be able to play it one day.

Me: I do the same thing! It’s called “buying the game in a store”.

The fundamental problem with this one was the idea that you can take all these brilliant creators and smoosh them together and you’ll get a brilliant game out of it. Just doesn’t work.

Expensive. It sounds expensive.

Am I the only one who thinks Ni No Kuni was horribly overrated? I bought it off word of mouth and found it to be horribly dull even after sticking with it well past the point that most JRPGs get interesting.

I’ve asked a couple people what they love about it so much and they invariably start spouting off about how

Crafting is the bane of RPGs.

Once they allowed Tails to have a voice it all went down hill from there.

“Let’s (anything) with Donald Trump.”

the director—who goes by the handle Mhyre

At this point, I’m only going to Kickstart games from studios and developers with proven track records. Larian, Obsidian, Wayforward, Harmonix, etc. Anything else is just too much of a risk.

What? If they fail or fuck off, it’s on them. Don’t excuse their shitty behavior because of their inexperience or not wanting to deal with the consequences of failure. If they give you a bad product/not the one you originally signed up for in the pitch or no product at all, that’s their work.

Now playing

The song “Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now” By Starship should be constantly playing in the background.

Remember when their track record was amazing?

Good times.

I’m just not feeling this... every time I see video I’m less interested...