
We’ve created an entire generation of oversensitive babies and now poking fun of something is somehow “attacking” it.

I’m not going to attack people who watch other people play, but I honestly don’t understand the whole twitch phenomenon at all. I can see if you don’t have a game and want to see if you might want to buy it, or you’re really into an online personality and want to watch them play, but as a gamer, I much prefer to play

This doesn’t really sound like anything too new when it comes to game story telling. Perhaps new when it comes to FPS games though.

Jesus, the viral marketing for Digimon has taken a dark turn.

This was the ost ridducluos CoD I’ve ever played. There were no “choices” and you don’t know when you had to listen what you are told to change the events and when to simply ignore them. I have completely flunked that “chase the bad guy” part and I didn’T even know I was supposed to chase the guy faster for better

>Call of Duty

Still just so much hype, that it can’t possibly be this good.

Really have lowered the standards of epic. Let me bring those standards back up.

Let’s see....

The funding for the game reached ages ago, and people are not forced to fund anymore.

Man, at this point I just wish this game came out already, so we can be done with hearing about it.

If someone doesn’t reign Roberts in, I feel like this could quickly turn into a George Broussard/Duke Nukem Forever situation where the man in charge just continually adds and jettisons ideas.

Some people aren’t creative. This is a great proof of concept and PT is still very much in the perspective of the public.

Just download more ram,that usually fixes it for me.

Also: PNG, genius.

Goodbye integrity, hello authoritarian-sanctioned blockbuster.

Welcome to Kotaku dot com, pewdiepies number one fan site.

If one gorgeous location, one character and not a single animation is where he is after about a year, the game week be fine around 2215.

I miss Rez HD. I feel like I should buy myself a new Xbox 360 just for that damn game... I sold my 360 last year, because it never got any play, but I totally miss Rez. :,(