
And KQ is still a better game than Wolfenstein. I may be a bit biased because it was my very first foray into gaming, but I think KQ6 is hands down the best game I've ever played.

It's due to this megatexture gimmick of the idtech5 engine. It does look crazy good and allows for some huge levels, since there's only a single texture for the whole level, instead of seperate textures for every surface like in older engines.

i think its funny how everyone is acting like they've never downloaded a game illegally. everyone has done it at least once. get off your high horses.

No, it's called big-ass unnecessarily uncompressed files for the sake of being "next-gen".

It's called compression technology and internet infrastructure lagging behind increasing graphical developments. That's more accurately called "lack of technological development".

Its not piracy tho, piracy are the people attacking ships and stealing from and/or killing people. It is copyright infringement and bleh I download what I want as it is just data

Yet a cracked version of WatchDogs doesn't use Uplay. So Pirates are playing the game completely fine while having no issues. Other than the lost of any online functions. But the game itself works fine.

Yeah its larger than Watch Dogs

I find that this article is condescending to "pirates" (i.e. normal people who don't buy every single game they wanna try).

The facilities would not meet the 2022 IOC standards. They would basically have to start from scratch.

It's a seven-year disruption of locals' lives.

Wait, you can say no?

The aftershock we are dealing with is a direct result of transparency into the IOC. The Sochi Olympics has created a fundamental shift in how the games are perceived by residents of the host countries. When they actually have a say, the games are largely unwanted by actual citizens as well as stray dogs.

What? You mean a nation's citizens don't actually WANT to pay for an already rich corporate sports conglomerate's desires for new stadiums, facilities, and equipment from their tax dollars? Jeeze, I hope nobody tells the NFL, NBA, or MLB. They'll be heartbroken

I'm not making a joke here. Probably by far Detroit's best opportunity to host the games. Plus, IOC corruption? Corruption is our middle name here in the Motor City! Come on over, IOC. We could use some shiny new stadiums which will decay into blight (again, nothing new). The temporary boost to the economy would

"We simply cannot stand for such a blatant display of international crony capitalism."

-Davos, Switzerland

Celebrating the butterflies by pinning bunch of dying or dead butterflies onto a dress and parade in front of children? Sound legit.

She was dressed in a plain white dress with about 100 butterflies pinned to it! Some of the insects were alive and cringing, others were already dead. According to GWM, children at the scene were frightened by the sight of walking butterfly death.

But they are not, most of the time the customer has no idea what they want.

That's why I'm having a real hard time upgrading to a PS4/XB1. IGN had a feature showing the differences between Tomb Raider on PS3/360 and the upgraded Tomb Raider on PS4/XB1, and the differences were like "See how the light from this spotlight is more realistically divided up in the rain drops" and "Lara's skin now